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🇵🇭Michelle Dee👑Walk Transformation🔥

🇵🇭Michelle Dee👑Walk Transformation🔥

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  1. I like before,because it’s unique..And I believe she impressed a lot of people on her walk style during the MU Phils.2023.

  2. Definitely I like how she walks NOW. With more poise and a smooth stride which gives her more that elegance. I didn’t like her walk before it’s O.A. Sorry but that’s just my opinion!

  3. i have been a runway or pasarela coach for years before the pandemic. i can say that she improved so much in her new walk. i honestly didn’t like her snake walk in my opinion marumi ung galaw nya the movements of her shoulder the hands the head it is not for the miss universe baka sa miss grand international panalo yang lakad na yan but not in miss universe. im happy for her new walk however theres still more to do to perfect her walk and i believe she can make it perfect before the competition. Go go go MMD we all rooting for you. ❤❤❤

  4. Nothing new under the sun! Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon🙏🏼❤️🕊REPENT, believe in the Gospel, be Born Again

  5. Now — pang MU walk.Peru kulang ng dating.
    Before — pang ibang Pageant na walk. Hindi pang MU peru powerful and unique.

  6. dun na lang sya sa before kasi signature nya un, kakaelegance may tend to be a usuall walk na parang typical walk na lang at walang boom, ending boring, just stay na lang please. nag iiwan pa un ng lasting impression, un na lang ang idevelop nya ng mabuti

  7. Yan nppnsin ko s nanalo.. Binabago nila ng todo.. Eh mas ok yun mga b4 nila n walk at mga gown n sinusuot

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