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💖 30 Adorable Historical Photos: Incredible History Photos with Fun Facts 💖History in Color

💖 30 Adorable Historical Photos: Incredible History Photos with Fun Facts 💖History in Color

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30 Adorable Historical Photos: Incredible History Photos with Fun Facts

Welcome to Sealed in time, where we bring color and life to beautiful old vintage photos. The team here at Sealed in Time are grateful that you have taken the time to enjoy our videos of 30 Historical Photos! Our goal is to document moments in time in a manner that is not only entertaining but also informational and educational. We hope that you are able to relax and enjoy a journey into the past with us.

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💖Thank you and God Bless!💖

🔥Animations by – Sealed in Time
🔥Narration by – Richard Thibeault Sr.

🎼 Music:
Title: Ascension
Artist: Jesse Brown

#historical #historicalphotos #rarehistoricalphotos #rarephotos #awesome #vintagephotos #vintageimages #vintagephotographs #rarevintagephotos #rarevintagephotographs #incrediblehistoricalphotos #incrediblephotos #history #photos #vintage #interesting #rare #amazing #astonishing #astounding #incredible #historyphotos..(read more at source)

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About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. I've noticed that blue seems to be a primary color for a lot of clothing in these (and other videos') photos…is that a relic of the colorization process or was blue just overwhelmingly used?

  2. Another excellent set ;o))

    Willo Billo is right that it cannot be 1836, nor is it 1856; it is an 1861 portrait by Mathew Brady, the famous American Civil War photographer of that era.

  3. 09:28 Are you sure that this isn’t a photo of Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis from Some Like It Hot? 😂😂😂

  4. Thank you for another very delightful collection of photos, beautifully colorized. A very good day to you!!

  5. Now THIS is wholesome content. This is what YouTube is for. Educational, interesting, and historical information. Thanks for the upload.

  6. Wonderful set of Photos, I can not choose just one as a favorite, the native girl getting water, the picture of Sam Houston, and the ladies from the Georgia cotton mill struck me differently then the rest. The rural untamed America, one of the bravest men west of the Mississippi and dirty, tired, women working to support themselves and maybe a family are the standouts for me. There were more but I'm not writing a book, just a chapter.

  7. I always love watching your videos specially when you put colour into your pictures 😊thanks keep them coming please 😊

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