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1984 Miss Universe Pageant – Full Show

1984 Miss Universe Pageant – Full Show

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  1. Holanda y Filipinas👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎Esos lugares eran de Puerto Rico y España…. Hermosísima

  2. La época en que las chicas eran naturalmente bellas, completamente elegantes, sin necesidad de hacer tanto gesto ridiculo, sin pararse como si tuvieran problemas en la pelvis, sin hacer muecas y sin dar tanta vuelta que parecen mareadas como las de hoy dia. Esta era la época dorada y maravillosa del Miss Universo, donde el espectaculo era variado, magico, lleno de escenografías espectaculares, no como ahora que solo son monitores y muchas luces super aburrido. Hasta la corona de antes era espectacular, la de ahora parece una de juguete de quinceañera. Ojala volviera un Miss Universo tan espectacular como estos, donde las chicas se comportaban natural si pasar toda la competencia haciendo lives por los celulares. Que viva esta época!!!!!

  3. I think that on the morning of this particular Miss Universe Pageant telecast, I was out having my senior pictures taken for Helix High School's Class of 1985 yearbook, The Tartan. GO HELIX HIGHLANDERS!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  4. The powerhouse countries today made it to the top 5 in Miss Universe 1984: Philippines, South Africa, Venezuela, and Colombia.

  5. Miss sweden is desreving to be miss universe 1984 but miss south africa is not deserving to be first runner up..suppost to be the first runner up is miss venezuela and second runner up is philippines…
    Cooking show..🤮

  6. Miss Universe 1984
    MU 👑 – Sweden
    Yvonne Ryding
    1st run – South Africa
    2nd run – Venezuela
    3rd run – Philippines
    4th run – Colombia

  7. Things that I liked about this pageant:
    1. Candidates wore their actual national costume (no huge birds on their heads)
    2. They walked naturally on the stage. Unlike walks these days that I find so unnatural and weird
    3. Gowns used to be elegant. Nowadays, it seems that the more blindingly shiny it is and the more skin you show, the better

    Things i didn't like in this show
    1. The throne (glad they got rid of it)
    2. The host blocking the final 5 while announcing the runners up

  8. Spoiler Alert
    In the final question (Top 5), Sweden and Philippines should have used interpreters. This year was an example showing that it's best and wise to use an interpreter especially when it's the crucial moments. There's nothing wrong with it if English is not their native language. In fact, it shows Sweden could have had a few more winners if they had used interpreters. The Scandinavian countries and Germany tend to do this and it hurt them.

  9. Based on the final answer the crown should have gone to South Africa followed by Colombia, Venezuela, Sweden and Philippines. Sweden stumbled through the final answer horribly. Bob did not let Miss Venezuela finish her thought. Miss USA that year is probably a very nice lady but she did not do well here. Her interview sealed her fate. She came across too over rehearsed and the judges saw that.

  10. Miss Colombia should have won. Thailand should have been in the top five. Sweden was very sweet and pretty, Philippines very nice too, but I thought Colombia deserved the crown.

  11. Miss Guatemala was shy but so sweet. Ohhh and on the same year she was the winner of Miss International. Well done lovely Julieta


  13. What a big mistake on behalf of Honduras, sending Myrtice Hyde to the Miss Universe, she didn´t even knew who our president was then. She's cousin of Ollie Thompson, the one who represented us the year before. Miss Sweden didn't say nothing relevant, and Miss Venezuela was left in the middle of her answer, I was really upset that night with the developing of the contest.

  14. Puntuaciones preliminares de haber sido top 20 .
    8.110 Noruega
    7.740 Finlandia
    7.680 Panamá
    7.603 Gales
    7.560 costa rica
    7.560 trinidad y tobago
    7.460 Perú
    7.440 Austria
    7.435 Israel
    7.408 Uruguay

    Peores 5 puntuaciones preliminares
    6.430 aruba
    6.390 marianas del norte
    6.210 belice
    6.195 barbados
    6.010 turcas y caicos ( pintoresca)

  15. Colombia has not won more crowns because that damn organization has wanted it that way, but it is clear that Colombians have always been the best

  16. 1984 one of the European era at Miss U , 5 of them in the top 10 from Europe , eventual winner Sweden, with only two Latinas. 2016 only one European in top 13, dominated by the Americas with 9, but the eventual winner in that year is France.

  17. This is a resl pageant, unlike today… many unnecessary videos and chit chats, and worst of all……platform. For cry out loud, a beauty pageant does’nt need platform.

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