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Announcement of the 1990 Miss Teen USA Top 12..(read more at source)
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I was reading my journal from a 1990 entry..I was 11. I was very upset about oregon winning I wanted Georgia to win. Hilarious!
Does anyone know the song played when Kentucky is called? I woud love to know that!
The most beautiful Miss Teen USA finalists in my opinion were from 1987. Check it out and tell me if you agree 😉
Miss Teen USA 1990 = the future Mrs. Pete Sampras
did someone say "spank me" 1 second before Kentucky was announced?
Sandy Duncan does not cut it as the host. And why were the premilinary scores so low??? The judges must really have been rough that year.
@Tangvu Nvm, i found out: it's Taylor Dane – Tell it to my heart
does anyone know the song that plays when Miss Massachusetts is called, at 1:01?
@XtremeVibe Take me to your heart (Rick Astley)
Does anyone know the name of the song when Missouri is called?
Ali Landry & Bridget Wilson… a few future actress runners up. Bridget ending up winning the title.
the song is by bananarama i think, i think the name is I heard a rumor, something like that, i hopoe i am some help
The BIG HAIR is great! How did that turn into the "grunge-emo" look!? Even the music seems more suited for "I know you want me, huh?" then todays hits. A few more years, and I would bet all that stuff makes a come-back. Holes in denim (brand new jeans, no less) started as a joke, and you know the life span of that "fashion" is about over when WALMART and TARGET are pushing them out at $12 a pair! Hot girls in those 90's!
the host is Sandy Duncan.
Miss Teen Rhode Island USA is Claudia Jordan from Deal Or No Deal!
like see more all teen usa socal thank u buddy
I'd nail that whole stage, then come back for seconds. Rock on!
Ali Landry looks so pretty!