1st Asian American women to represent Texas at Miss USA and Miss America

1st Asian American women to represent Texas at Miss USA and Miss America

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For the first time in state history, Texas will be represented by Asian American women at two of the most prestigious pageants in the U.S…(read more at source)

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  1. She looks like 2 different people with/without MAKEUP!!! WithOUT makeup 100% asian, WITH makeup 100% WESTERNER.

  2. Congratulations ladies and continue to be humble and kind. Wishing you all the best in life. Above all, I pray that you will both have Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour…Jesus.thr ONLY Saviour of mankind:) the Bible said so:D

  3. She might me the most beautifu contestant in compare to other runners, but sure she is not the most
    beautiful girl in Texas, or in USA( SHE IS JUST 162 CM + 15 cm high heel)

  4. Sorry, I’m Asian myself, but these girls are not deserving to win. Especially the first one. She only win because she’s Asian. That sucks.

  5. Because America has alliance with China and some other Asian countries! 🤔 There's always a motive or an agenda! 🧐

  6. She/They are not the first Asian American. There is a Asian (Lao) America from Miss Minnesota prior to them.

  7. pffft, people still liking shows that judge people via looks/physical appearance (and yeah, that's what "beauty pageants" are no matter what else they put in the show)

  8. This is life changing knowing how racist Texans can be. I'm so impressed! Congrats and thank you Texans for changing and opening their minds about racism

  9. This is awesomayzing finally some representation 🇵🇭🇺🇸🇵🇭🇺🇸🇵🇭🇺🇸❤️💛💙❤️💙

  10. Very average looking, I live in Asia, there are far more beautiful girls roaming the streets, maybe she is smart or something, but come on? Dude we had catriona, no chance for this one

  11. This is a proud moment for the Filipino community in the US. Congratulations to R’Bonney for winning Miss USA 2022.

  12. We proud 👍🙂❤️ of you ☺️💖 Rbonney Gabriel Go Go Philippines Proud 🙏❤️ of you ☺️💖 Mabuhay Philippines……….

  13. Both have Filipino heritage.Look back search deep in Texas history was called “Nueva Filipinas”meaning New Philippines during Spanish regime.”

  14. Congratulations. Representing the racist state of Texas is a huge coup. You are changing the world in a beneficial way.

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