2 Months Pregnant: causes of absent heart beat in fetus – Dr. Nupur Sood

2 Months Pregnant: causes of absent heart beat in fetus – Dr. Nupur Sood

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Regularly if a scan is done at around 7 weeks of pregnancy, the cardiac activity should appear. As early as 5 weeks also it can be picked up on a transvaginal scan. So when 2 months are complete, that is at 8 weeks of gestation. Cardiac activity should appear in a healthy pregnancy. If it is missed, then we call it as missed abortion, absent cardiac activity. The causes for it could be several. The commonest cause it could be a genetic disorder or as we understand the sperm and the embryos do not form properly and it will lead to an abnormal embryo development. There are a lot of hormonal causes also which can lead to miscarriages in the first trimester, commenest being a thyroid disorder, there could be certain blood discrepancies also which have to be looked for it should be discussed with your doctor if you need to avoid this in your future pregnancies, adequate folic acid supplementation is a must proper to planning the next conception and also certain blood investigation need to be checked out before planning your next pregnancy so this can be avoided in future…(read more at source)

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  1. Ma’am my lmp is 29march 2022 nd when I go through ultrasound there is no fetal heartbeat… plz guide me is there any chances for recovery

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  3. I had the exact same thing happen and they couldn't see the fetal pole. I went back a week later and it was visible and there was a heartbeat. It turned out I wasn't as far along as I thought even though I thought I was sure of it. You can't see it at five weeks I can at six. Could just be too early.

  4. Ma'am in my twins there is heartbeat at one and another doesn't show heartbeat,,,will the heart beat come of the second baby…ma'am please reply 🥺🥺🥺

  5. mam mere 2 fetus h.aik baby ki heart beat h but 2nd ki nhi h. 6 7 week h.plz bta den k kia 2nd ki heart beat possible h.or koi problem to nhi ho ga?

  6. I have PCOS . Now I'm 8 week pregnant there is no heart beat and baby development . Can you tell me there is any problem

  7. Hellooooz all…. My name is Sajida n i went tru da same think at 7 weeks went to da doctor n seen just a sac no pole no baby no heartbeat. Was scared but had faith in da lord and pretty much waiting for it for fall out. I have 3 daughters 8.7 and 5 and pregnancy wall hell no jokes for all 3. I went to da dc monday n after a scan i found out im 17weeks pregnant wif a healthy baby boy. So in ahort if u meant to have a blessing from GOD trust in him n u shall receive. God knows best. Blessing to all pregnant mummys my angel is due 28th december 2021

  8. Hellooooz all…. My name is Sajida n i went tru da same think at 7 weeks went to da doctor n seen just a sac no pole no baby no heartbeat. Was scared but had faith in da lord and pretty much waiting for it for fall out. I have 3 daughters 8.7 and 5 and pregnancy wall hell no jokes for all 3. I went to da dc monday n after a scan i found out im 17weeks pregnant wif a healthy baby boy. So in ahort if u meant to have a blessing from GOD trust in him n u shall receive. God knows best. Blessing to all pregnant mummys my angel is due 28th december 2021

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