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Get to know the contestants of 2012 Miss Teen USA Pageant. Watch the event on July 28th, LIVE on www.ustream.tv at 8pm ET..(read more at source)
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My fav MissKYTeen ever.
its a year old video but I am not getting tired of watching this
he's dead thats why she didnt chose him
martial artist? hmmm how about choosing bruce lee instead
well i think its better that way than to be speechless on cam
its already 2013 but she is still getting more viewers thats amazing
cool interview and I wonder if she is still single
im not listening but im watching
she's pretty but i think her answer is not that good – just sayin
its alright coz she is hot
so proud of you girl
she's just a beauty
you got my thumbs up
hmmmm…i do hope so
cute!!!! she is so cute that i want to marry her
ive been watching this all day long maybe its her way of talking that i love
I really dont care if she does
oh better share it in here so we can visit her page too
very well said
i promise not all girls from kentucky are like that TRUST ME!
This makes me embarrassed to be from Kentucky lmao
She's fake as fuck
I am laughing at how easy it is to notice the fact that she is reading off of a cue card.
mexico? Yeah I feel the same way I still have fear of heights.
Aha! I want to see more more more why make it 2 mins why not make it a hour interview
How old is she again?
I don’t care what other says about her
31 dislikes? Oh c'mon do you want me to get angry
Who won the pageant?
hmmm..I feel young again lol
SHE IS so so so hot
nooo.. soo baaad!!
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. Stay strong!♥
even though you didnt win you are Kentuckys most amazing wINNER!! ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS AND SMART:)
Big UK fan ! love you Tiffany! you are gonna go far and be successful:) dang you beautiful!;)
I want to meet you some day!! you are gorgeous girl! Go kentucky!
wow!! breathtaking I really love your smile and voice!
She is annoying!
Her eyes are looking up and not connecting with her audience, so not a good idea.
I think when I finally get the courage of driving my own car. That was the craziest thing I have ever done! I am afraid to drive, and how was that?!
wish I possess the same hair as yours. You are very lovely, dear! Go! Supporting you all the way
Sorry to hear about your mom, Tiffany. But I am sure she is proud of you! You are adorable!
That's a great story about your mom I will be praying and I hope you win
I dont care but all i care is for you to win
Oh girl, you had been into numerous downtimes huh? But I am sure that made you what you are today. A very strong woman!
The craziest thing I have ever done?? Well, this really sounds crazy though but believe it or not, I did it! Like counted my hair strands?
Errr… Einstein?? A dinner with Einstein..?? Is that gonna be a good idea?? Hahaha!