2021 Miss Teen USA Competition – Crowning Moment

2021 Miss Teen USA Competition – Crowning Moment

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2021 Miss Teen USA Competition – Crowning Moment
#MissTeenUSA2021..(read more at source)

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  1. y'all need frikin help like psychological help bye..and it's the fact that it's these grown ass adults commenting such… on a young black girl's victory- this is why beauty queens end up with mental health issues it's because of y'all off brand humans …

  2. The problem is that blacks are being crowned for everything – Miss Teen, Miss USA and Miss America – etc. The problem is it seems they are given the titles as tokens and are not really winning on merit. After the ripping apart of cities and burning down buildings – people are just putting blacks in front to not cause trouble. One of these black ladies jumped off a building in NY yesterday and killed herself. I think her name was Cheslie Kryst. Even commercials are all black one after another! I would be very disappointed too if I were given a title or opportunity just because I am black and not because I deserved it or was talented enough to earn it when competing against others.

  3. The way she jump and sit down in the Floor after the announcement of winner the 1st runner up told her to satnd up lol 😂 congratulations .

  4. I always feel bad for 2nd place at pagents. The 3 4 5 place lower but get their own claps and cheers.

  5. They are teens for crying out load and winning miss teen usa is a big deal, let them go crazy with their reactions.

  6. Me encanto su reacción es muy impactante ella súper espontánea no sabía si sería ella o su otra compañera fue emocionante y uno a pesar de no estar ahí se te pone la piel chinita de la emoción que transmite esta chica ganadora del MISS TEEN USA.

  7. Have some class. That over-reaction was worse than Miss Hawaii last year. — You'll see Pennsylvania competing for the Miss USA crown in a few years; beautiful, poised and professional.

  8. This is endearing, it shows that even though they all are acting like grown-ups, they're still kids. Love it. ♥

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