24SP Class #11: Black Beauty

24SP Class #11: Black Beauty

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Welcome to the live stream of Soc 119, an innovative Sociology course taught by Dr. Sam Richards at The Pennsylvania State University. This is class eleven of the Spring 2024 Semester. This is the original live stream, which was recorded on Tuesday, February 13th, 2024 on Penn State’s University Park Campus.

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🏖️ August to 🍂 December, the stream happens from 1635-1750 (435-550pm).
☃️ January to 🌷 May, the stream happens from 1505-1620 (305-420pm).

0:00:00 Pre-Class
0:08:45 Announcements
0:11:48 Volunteer Introductions
0:14:35 Message to the Stream
0:15:38 What is: “Black”?
0:22:10 Beauty Pageants
0:27:59 Hair and Beauty
0:38:45 White Beauty Standards
0:49:50 New Standard of Beauty
1:00:05 Black Representation in Media
1:12:16 Copying Cultures

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See also  Miss South Africa: Religious Woman? #misssouthafrica #missuniverse #missusa #shorts

#SOC119 #Beauty #BeautyStandards..(read more at source)

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LEARN ABOUT OTHER: Beauty Pageants

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. I'm glad this was titled "black Beauty" as opposed to "Beauty".
    Every single race on Earth acknowledges that those are two completely different things.
    White women, more than women of ANY OTHER RACE… are far, FAR too often the victims of that universal, instinctual, perception of beauty across all of humanity, which all of us know deep inside… but with that gun to our heads nowadays… almost no one admits it.
    R*pe wouldn't be one of the leading problems in migration if this were not true. But it is. Life isn't fair. Most of what formulates "beauty" is actually objective.

  2. I’m still at the beginning but am curious why being an educator would give him a free pass. I wouldn’t want someone that behaves like that educating my children. I understand it was heat of the moment, but a lot of crimes – murder included – are heat of the moment. If he gets a smack on the wrist, a precedent is set. I think 7 years is extreme but he definitely should do enough time to make it a deterrent. I’m not sure how long that is, though.

  3. It's true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The statement societal "beauty standard" isn't a single thing but is more correctly described as a distribution. Saying there are "cracks" in the standard is nonsense. Rather, it would be better to say the distribution is widening in that a more people consider a wider range of features beautiful. I also reject the statement that "someone has to define what the standard is." Beauty is central to mate selection. We all know some people have a 'type' which may or many not align with the 'majority standard.' Each person practices their own 'standard.' The cultural standard, which again is a distribution, is an emergent phenomenon. No one sets it–unless the society is being deliberately manipulated, such as by guilting judges to pick black contestants in pageants or by showing only mixed-race couples in ads.

    Saying he has no standard of beauty is completely wrong. He correctly identifies that there are some universal standards, such as symmetry, clear skin, etc., which undoubtedly are genetically based. However, he's using a measure of what's universal across everyone, which is unreasonable. We know personality traits are heavily genetic, but there's a wide variety of personality types, so thinking each individual person doesn't have an innate 'beauty standard' derived from his/her own biology and instead it's all socialized is just unrealistic.

  4. It is fundamentally flawed to refer to it as "white beauty standards" when its actually just the "majority beauty standards" USA was and still is predominantly white.

    In addition the black community has never been told to style their hair like white people by anyone other than black people. The standards are set by their own community, not society at large

  5. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ please please please fix your audio ……. when we say “black” it means nothing concrete …… might as well yell “ NAZI “

  6. I think you're referring to African slaves, because it is a fact that throughout history there have been slaves of every single race; often times enslaved by people of their same race as is currently happening in China.

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