4-Year-Old Girl Spends Over 5 Hours At The Salon Before Competitions | Toddlers & Tiaras

4-Year-Old Girl Spends Over 5 Hours At The Salon Before Competitions | Toddlers & Tiaras

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Pageant dad Alex Salazar likes to show her daughter how much she loves her by taking her to the salon for hours before every competition.

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  1. Its just so sad that a child of 4 even understands the concept of beauty standards and being judged by her looks … go empower her with a real skill, ice hockey or football or literally anything besides parading her around in swimsuits for strangers to judge

  2. I think a lot of people will agree child pageants are pretty horrible. However, if you have watched a lot of toddlers and tiaras this family is a complete 180 than those usually casted. It’s very refreshing and I think if they chose more families like this the show wouldn’t have caught as bad of a wrap. (But still there’s not much you can do LOL) There are probably just as many families like this in the pageant world as there are the super crazy ones. This girl is certainly well mannered and seems to be genuinely enjoying herself which is also really nice to see considering many other episodes.

  3. The dad is adorable when he was standing holding her teddy and u could just tell both perants were proud

  4. I think going for competition this is a nice threat to them esp for pageant.it relaxes the contestant and for kids i guess its good for relaxation of the body

  5. All these comments saying how lovely the dad is… if it were a mom doing the same thing people would be villanizing her. Also let's not ignore the fact that he's sexualizing his 4 year old daughter????

  6. I think it’s these are two of the best families throughout is it for the money in the winning the kids want to do it and parents are supportive of that and they’re not like as hard as the others

  7. if ur mad ur jealous theres absolutely nothing wrong with these contestants they wear bathing suits all the time to the pool. They are scored by woman so i see no problem

  8. Wait a four year old getting a proper facial I didn’t get that till i turned 16 its a rule in most uk spas ??

  9. I don't see why people were mad about this one. This is one of the most wholesome and pure ones I've seen.

  10. Little league football: 90% of the kids want to be there and their parents are a little worried

    Little Pagent: 90% of the kids don't want to be there and the parents don't care

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