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  1. It's not just TikTok. They want us to focus on TikTok, and the government "stopping" US citizens being spied on. Government are the good guys stopping the bad guys, and we'll be lulled into a false sense of security. Many/most large US companies are spying on us already, and they want us all to point our fingers at TikTok.

  2. I am mad as I can be over this time change ! Who can we call and try getting changed back and left alone ?

  3. Greetings to my favorite family!! Love your very informative reels. I always learn something and why I listen almost daily. Prayers needed so badly.

  4. 💰 Which country has the largest military-industrial complex?

    Military industrial complex: These 15 countries have the largest defense budgets
    United States ($600.4 billion) (Patrick Baz/AFP/Getty Images) …
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  5. The corruption that runs through this administration is getting more scary. I feel for people with disabilities not getting the help they deserved. Anyone who is not investing now is missing a tremendous opportunity. Imagine investing $2000 and receiving $11,300 in 4days.

  6. What upsets me are all the sheepale in the USA or American. Most of the people / sheepale in the USA have a common sense IQ of 10 that's it no higher.

  7. And today, Chuck Schumer has come out and stated Benjamin Netanyahu needs to be replaced!!!! OUR CORUPT ADMINISTRATION IS OBVIOUSLY WORKING BEHIND THE SCENES TO TOPPLE BIBI!!! This makes me sick!!!! Schumer wants a two state solution – what if Israelis DON’T WANT that!!! This is a problem!!!!!!

  8. Easter is always the first Sunday that falls after the first full moon that falls after the first day of spring. That’s why it changes from year to year.

  9. I can't stand the time change. It would be nice if Congress could ever just stop this craziness. It would be so simple for them to just keep the time the same, but I feel like they don't care. Just as they don't care about building a wall for Americans to keep our Nation safe.

  10. What good does it do for them to build a wall when Putln can just blow it up.when our border is in a different position for protection. WE NEED TO PROTECT HOME TO PROTECT OTHERS. IF WE DO NOT TAKE CARE OF HOME FIRST WE CAN NOT HELP ANY ONE!

  11. I cannot believe that our government is giving the money to build a wall . Why want our country do this for us I think we.the people should stand together and stop this nonsense yes I heard about Haiti what’s going owe they are sending people down to Hati I think all these things are happening there telling us lies not giving us the truth

  12. Our aide to Ukraine is a bunch of money laundering crap. THIS REALLY ANGERS ME!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬

  13. Your right. I can’t understand why we do the time change nowadays anyway lol I wish we could just keep it one way or any other

  14. I want to say thank you for all that you do for all of us that do not have time to do the research that you do

  15. If time change and dating Easter were your biggest problems you would not have anything to talk about. NOBODY BUT NOBODY WANT PALATINZIES IN THEIR COUNTRIES …

  16. Tik Tok is bad…but the government should have NOTHING to do with half the crap they inject themselves into. They create these issues, or exploit small issues and make them big so they can have more control and money. Federal Government should be half the size it is now and let states make more legislation. They don't need all the money….but they are taking it away from you which is most important.

  17. Easter date is based on the moon and season cycle every year as well as the Jewish religious calendar.

  18. My sentiments are the same regarding the holidays and time change. Why are we not able to remain consistent yearly? Easter on the 31st is really early. I wish they’d just leave it all alone!

  19. All we need is a few million more people like you. I think we are out numbered. There are many more WEF adherents than Patrick Henry adherents. Sigh!

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