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TOP 8 Most Expensive Dresses in Say Yes to the Dress
#sayyestothedress #tlc #weddingdress..(read more at source)
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How much would you pay for a dress?
#6 isn't she one of the moms off of teen moms? I swear she is ! Like the first season .
I wonder how many of those spoiled brats are still married?!
Many of these are so ugly! But yet so expensive! I would never spend so much on a dress I will wear only once. What a big waste! Some of these brides are so selfish when others are paying.
What is with American women and baby talk? They sound stupid
To many boobs sticking out.
$50,000 for two dresses and $8,000 for a veil?!?!?! Disgusting
10:24 The subtitles render Pnina Tornai as "punting attorney". Possibly accurate.
Miss Kentucky and her botox😮scary
So beautiful dress
I actually found my dress at Walmart by accident. Husband and I were just looking at clothes and he spotted my dress in blue. I looked for a white one, found it , and when I walked out of the fitting room. My husband's face told me that it was my dress . Paid $11 . Our whole wedding probably cost around $400 including the church . I wouldn't change anything. 🙂
I used to watch the show, but I got more and more disgusted at the women coming into Kleinfeld's. Pushy, demanding, arrogant, entitled, greedy, rapacious, and more—-very few women were appreciative of any help or advice being offered. And the temper tantrums!!! If I were a priest or minister, I wouldn't allow these women to wear the gowns to church. The women's breasts are so huge that they are popping out of the gown! Most of the women coming in have arms like sausages and shouldn't be wearing a low cut, sleeveless gown to begin with. They all want fashion, but what they fail to realize in most cases is that they look like a bloated tick about to pop its casing. The show went from one of my favorites to a don't bother to watch anymore because of the stupidity of the brides to be and their entourages, and the gowns themselves—-overpriced and beyond sleazy. Even women in bordellos had better fashion sense than most of these brides.
The Angolan bride's money is sus AF, just saying.
I really dislike the dresses that are missing half their fabric. Looks like slutty underwear
I just can't with Pnina. SO over priced, tacky and gaudy.
“One of the most striking brides”… 🤮🤮 well thats a matter of taste.
Royal wedding? Tacky wedding! And spending your fathers bloodmoney. Classy!
Anything that isn’t David’s or anything like that is good.
Because David’s is ya know, the Walmart of wedding gowns.
And it’s fine to wear tank tops and stuff like that from Walmart to the beach or where ever.
But it’s not okay to wear Walmart to your wedding unless you are from lanford Illinois
I wore some incredibly expensive dresses as a bridal wear model
Maybe it's just me, but it seems like many of the brides that spend five digits (or close to it) on a wedding dress have weird, plastic-looking faces.
The Angolan bride's $200,000 bill is disgusting since she comes from a country where the Per Capita income is just over $2000.
Can you say corruption?
The sister of the NFL player is the epitome of why players who go broke later say “ at least they stopped calling for money”
I'm sorry but to ask for or pay that much on a dress you will wear only once is a mortal sin. Especially when more than half of these people will be divorced within five years.
The bridal salon is called KleinFELD not Kleinfield.
I want a black dress too
I’ve always wanted to have a follow up & see how many of these spoiled princesses are still married. 🤬
If I’m not mistaken , Cami is married 4 times, and all her ex husband are involve in the wedding
The NFL brothers were so sweet and funny. "They all look the exact same." 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣❤❤❤❤
I continued watching maybe I could find one beautiful dress but I didn't. I won't wear one of them for FREE 🙄
“This one I just don’t like” later when he hears that it’s in budget… “oh well hold on then”😭
Cuanto más caro es el vestido más vulgares son las novias.
jesus Persia 😀 her talking make me laugh 😀 i never think somebody can talk like "lazy cartoon character"
Crazy absolutly crazy!
These brides are tasteless, rude, and entitled. None of these brides bought their dress besides the last one I'm assuming. The more expensive the dress got, the more tacky and ugly to became. They feel so entitled to others money especially the two brides who clearly saw their brother and fiancé did not want to spend so much on such an ugly dress. The NFL brother literally said she had a budget but she was so entitled to his money that he paid for it.
My wedding is only costing us $10,000AUD 😂 I couldn’t imagine spending more than $4000-$6000 on a dress. Mine only cost $2500
Panina dress are utter monstrosities.