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Bride Taylor’s appointment is full of bickering from her separated parents, and when her mum, “the mouth of the south” dislikes her dress, she’s reduced to tears. How will Flo get this appointment back on track?
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There is only ONE thing to say “it’s not your frikkin dress.” That’s it. Let the bride decide and that’s it. I don’t get these shows
Put duct tape on the Mother's mouth.
U can tell her mom smokes and sniffs stuff
I can see why her father split with this woman. He was an absolute gem of a father. His joy for his daughter made me tear up. The mother was an absolute witch though. I felt so bad for the beautiful bride for having to endure the insults. I can only imagine how she treated her child growing up.
Ignore the mum…..she looks stunning. Mum isn’t wearing it your daughter is !
3:50 the dad is look at the camera like HELP
I had this same thing happen to me, but after the appointment my mom told me not to get the dress and get a cheaper one that she hated when I tried it on. I have a strong feeling that this mom did the same thing
Momma, a witch without a broom.
Mom does not care about her daughters feelings at all. It's not her being too honest, it's her being in a constant competition with her ex husband. She's jealous and bitter asf. Dad was at least thinking of his daughter when he picked out his dress.
Two words for toxic mom: TRAIN WRECK!
She looked beautiful in all of them.
The parents should concentrate on their daughter’s happiness like responsible parents and not like juveniles
I already told my family that if they ever act up like this at my bridal fitting, they are GONE!! It’s important before bridal fittings you have a discussion with your family about expectations and what to do when they can’t be respectful
Momzilla….needs a good pair of specs and a major attitude adjustment🤔
the only thing I can think about is what a guilt trip her mom mustve tried to put her through later for preferring dad's dress
I can't stand mom's face. She looks like she ate something spicy and can't hold it! This is about the daughter nit about the mother. She already had her day, even if it finished in divorce!
Why the mom look like Cheryl from tiktok 😭
Good lord I’m glad they’re divorced
No wonder she got divorced!! Bitter jealous mother. How sad!
The moms a FAT HATEERRRRRR I hate how they try to make it seem like it was both parents when it was just the mom
I LOVE their southern accent. I know it sounds weird I’m sorry if i offend ppl 😅 English isn’t my first language so i love accents a lot
My parents def have a diff opinion on fashion and things I try on and like to wear but my dad def trumps my mom lol 😂 I’m a daddies girl too my parents are not divorced or anything but I def favor my daddies opinion over my mom’s
Insensitive mother, kind of sad when it's suppose to be about the bride
YES GIRL! You do you and stop pleasing her at every turn! I've been there, so I get it! So glad we got to see her on the day! STUNNING! Wishing you the best going forward with your marriage! 💖
Don’t any of these brides ever pay for the dress themselves?? It’s ridiculous
I get what they’re saying about each parent wants the kids to pick them but I think it’s just the mom in this case and the dad is happy with whatever the daughter wants
Her mother really needs to reevaluate her attitude. It’s dreadful & she has a face like a sour lemon from all her disapproval
Welp! We can all see why the parents are divorced lol
When mom said "This is mine"…
No wonder they're separated
Damn Monty’s good! 👏🥰
It was always her choice it’s her wedding and her mother is toxic and really shouldn’t have had her say that last dress is beautiful and she looked lovely
Her mother showed why she was divorced and alone, 😆
The moment that the bride introduced her mother as ‘lovely’ in that southern drawl, you KNOW hackles raised on the consultant, because that’s the bride handing you the red flag herself.
I get why the dad doesn’t like the mum lol
The mother is making it all about herself,at her daughter's dress fitting. She doesn't deserve to be a mother.
Bride loves it. ❤ Daddy is paying. ❤ that’s all that matters.
I hope Momma stays at home on the wedding day. She will ruin the day without a doubt!
"Your heart is as big as your mouth …" – I'm gonna use that!!! 😀
Love at first sight ❤
I woulda been like “okay, well this is my wedding so suck it up”
I hate it when girls put all that effort to dresses and men show up with shorts.
I like what the dad said… “it will be more about her then the dress”. Mum only agreed because she knew she lost.
This mother is 100% a Karen. Such an ugly person inside and out. Instead of being entitled she should just shut up and not bully her daughter just because she is a daddy's girl.
I would only have taken the dad since he is paying and knows her better
Mum doesn't a muzzle, she needs a bag over her head 🇦🇺
I love this bride… stay strong, baby.
toxic and narcissistic. so glad the dad was supportive, the look on his face when the mom started commenting on her daughter's collarbones and how skinny she was says it all. her dad genuinely wanted her to be happy, the mom just wanted to control everything.