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He visto esto ya perdí la cuenta mujer perfecta igualarla o superarla pasarán años
Una de las mejores representantes de nuestro país Venezuela ❤
For only 23 years old she’s such a lovely woman
Este año si dios quiere Venezuela se trae la corona Miss universe 2023 december
The real winner ❤
Mi hermosa Amanda. Es noche te robaste nuestros corazones. Reina por siempre ❤ tienes algo que ilumina, eres un ángel mujer 💕💕💕💕💕
🇻🇪A.D.N. reina 👑 universal maravillosa y absoluta. Su participación y labor hasta en el presente es excelente y único. Bendiciones y felicitaciones.
Hermosa mi venezolana ❤😊🇻🇪🇻🇪
Toda una diosa 🎉❤ salió a Darlo todo.
Her answer is vague trying so hard…Over confident
hello mr lewis pretty woman still seeking edward lewis homeless very prayerful
This girl was not honest since the beginning, she was the designer of the soccer jerseys from her country's national team, but of course she got helped from her father to do it because he is a professional soccer trainer, then she requested an interpreter when she has been bragging about knowing 3 languages one of them English, her responses to the questions were of course reharsed and then everybody's in Latin America saying she was the winner, common!
Sin lugar a dudas ella es la verdadera Miss Universo, su elegancia, su carisma, su porte nos dejo más que claro eso de verdad Amanda se ganó el corazón de muchos. Excelente participación
lovefrom venezuelaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
venezuela shouldn't have won even for the third place.. she speaks fluently in english , but she still took advantage of the opportunity of having an interpreter .. what a wise latina isn't she ???? what a great CHEATER !!!!! you don't deserve any place … venezuela , you shouldn't join m.u. anymore because you are a country of cheaters !!!!!!
Orgullo venezolano 🇻🇪🇻🇪❤
Beautifull. 🥰🥰🥰❤🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪 The Best
Amanda es hermosa, inteligente, fresca, espontánea, cercana, humilde… ¡En fin! Es encantadora y los venezolanos estamos orgullosos de ella. La amamos y marcó un antes y un después entre nuestras concursantes.
The winner of the night!
She can be the next Miss Earth. Her beauty is goddess on earth.
Она должна была победить, но к сожалению чьи то интересы…
les presento la verdadera miss universo 2023-2024
She just nailed it🥰🥰
It doesn't matter if she got the crown or not she is the real Queen for us❤❤
Lots of love from India 🇮🇳♥
Miss universe 2022 forever
Still sad she did not win
Venezuela 🇻🇪
The real queen! She’s amazing
Más hermosa imposible 😍❤️❤️
One of the best .. 😍
She was robbed of the title. They crowned the wrong woman. Where's Steve Harvey?
Amanda es la ganadora todos los venezolanos sabemos eso🇻🇪♥️