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This rocky protrusion in Anyang city, Henan province, central China proved too irresistible to tourists wanting photos of themselves standing above the abysmal cliff below. So, local authorities decided to destroy the so-called Daredevil Stone on April 11 over concerns about tourists’ safety.
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Of course they don't want to take responsibility for dumb people. Like every other country
What? It was a great place for pics?
Destroying an out cropping of rock because the communists couldn't charge money for standing on it ?
Forward with socialism….
Imagine risking your life for a stupid photo 😂
All they had to do was put up a warning sign.
Took hundreds of thousands of years to create such a unique stone. It's been around for a long time. But for the safety of idiots. We must destory it. 👍
Guy holding his foot skipped science class
The stone has been thare for millions of years wtf
Just let one person die someday so people can have their fun
Would have left it alone and put a fence around it.
if it broke while the dudes holding his mates legs they would have both gone over,
We messed up everything how many people probably worshipped off that tip you mess it up
Yep, let's put padding on all surfaces now too and make naps legal. World is getting rediculis
As if china cares about their citizens..
Stupid knows no race nor geographics-
Demolish rock so people can't hurt them selfs . Also put tons of bad chemicals in food for thousands of people die every year .
Oh nein nein nein das ist doch verrückt das war solch eine Sehenswürdigkeit und jetzt haben die das einfach zerstört 😢😢😢😢
Why would China would want to save tourists lives knowing they’re attempting to control population for decades
i agree with authorities on this one…. just a shame we so called intelligent beings mess up yet another natural formation thru our need to show off
I hate that we destroy nature as we see fit. Let those people win a few Darwin awards
If everyone decided that natural dangers should be eradicated then we wouldn’t have the Grand Canyon. They should have just put up a fence and called it a day
Should have left it. People that dumb don't need to exist anyway.
Leave nature alone…….you can't idiot proof the world…..that's what natural selection is for.
Why they do that.
That stone is perfect
Similar thing ancient spartans have
They throw imperfect babies from one mountain.
That is automatic cleansing off imperfect people
Why is this your problem 😂
But why😂
Better before tragedy strike 🙏
There was no need to tear down the stone. Let it sort itself out.
Destroyed a beautiful thing because some people are dumb
Nopity nope nope! 😮
Stop making everything safe, your only letting the stupid chromosome to breed up…
That last girl wasn't even on it.😂
If this really did happened. How about setting up a net below it and put some additional safety measures and let people enjoy.
Stupid. Should have forced people to wear a harness and charge them for it.
Leave it to China
For obvious reasons, of course @ VICE
screw the gov't man
Should not destroy it, let natural selection do its job.
What's funny is that if that structure was 5ft from the ground, you could dance all over it, all day long. But hanging over a cliff, the intensity could make you lose your balance just taking a couple steps.
China is really out here trying to be the anti- fun country 😒 Long live the only pro- fun country 🇮🇪
I wonder me being afraid to do so makes me rational or fearful
Yes because xi don't want anything more popular than him in China or the world
I went to the Grand Canyon. I observed numerous people playing around the edge for photos .
I would rather fencing all the area than demolished a beauty nature creation