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Miss America 2009: Katie Stam (Miss Indiana)
First runner-up: Chastity Hardman (Miss Georgia)
Second runner-up: Olivia Myers (Miss Iowa)
Third runner-up: Leigh-Taylor Smith (Miss New York)
Fourth runner-up: Sierra Minott (Miss Florida)
Top 7: Jackie Geist (Miss California), Ellen Carrington (Miss Tennessee)
Top 10: Kate Grinold (Miss District of Columbia), Nicole Fox (Miss Hawaii), Ashlee Baracy (Miss Michigan)
Top 12: Ashlen Batson (Miss Arkansas), Emily Cox (Miss Kentucky)
Top 15: Amanda Tapley (Miss Alabama), Galen Giaccone (Miss Delaware), Alexandra Hoffman (Miss South Dakota )..(read more at source)
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These self centered MCs dont get it. No one wants you to drag it out. No one wants to hear what you think or say like…are you ready ladies??? Glad she cut him off, she just wanted to be around her "girls". Classy.
She was just so beautiful and worthy of the title! Okay I’m originally from Indiana so I’m bias!
What the hell was wrong wth Tennessee when the 4th runner up was announced. She dysdded her. What a botch.
Anyone who watched the Pre-Tv Show to Miss America would have seen how genuine and kind Katie Stan really is. She was the only contestant that risked herself to go back and help another contestant. She powered through competition while very sick and has a such an beautiful genuine soul.
The one in the light blue looks like she's CONSTIPATED!! #justsaying #smile
one of my favorite winners!
I hate the camera
I thought Miss California in the all black gown was absolutely stunning.
Miss Georgia should have won !
Third runner: Miss New York- Taylor Smith ?? Why not " Tracy Chen"? Tracy才是2009紐約小姐呀!
Miss California deserved to place in top 5. he was the prettiest. (All black gown)
Miss Indianna .
Her mom was my 5th grade teacher
Indiana, represent!
Really thought Miss California was the prettiest one on the stage.
Miss America does NOT belong on TLC…same with Xbox Live next year!!!!
@XtremeVibe every Miss America contestant are required also too have a platform, for which during their reign as Miss America(of that state) she speaks about at conventions…Miss America is the true prestige Miss usa is nothing more then a beauty pagent
@georgehr3 Carrie Prejean whould not even have made the top 15 because in Miss American you need intelligence and a talent too win, Carrie Prejean had neither
Katie has the face of an angel… she was absolutely stunning all the way. Probably one of the most beautiful Miss America along with Venessa Williams in 84 (Personal opinion only)
To clear up some confusion, Miss America and Miss USA are two separate pageants. Miss America began in 1921 and Miss USA began in 1952. Miss America is more of a scholarship pageant and is judged in four areas; swimsuit, evening gown, talent, and interview. Miss USA is judged in three of the areas as Miss America, except Miss USA does not have talent. Miss USA also goes to the Miss Universe Pageant (also began in 1952) as Miss USA, and Miss America does not go to an international pageant.
This is Miss AMERICA not Miss USA….a wholly different pageant.
ahh hey cheerleader1359, you need to stick a straw in a lemon and suck it. and both you and atticiciup have the WRONG pageant video to be posting comments like this.
Have you heard? Puerto Rico has returned to the Miss America line-up.
Puerto Rico has no business being in the Miss America pageant, in my opinion.
Congrats! She's so pretty! I really wanted Miss Tennessee to win too!
She deserved it! Hopefully they won't cut her hair like they did to last year's winner. She was so pretty when she won.
What a great win! Congrats Katie!