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Inside Edition met up with newly crowned Miss USA 2023 and Miss Teen USA 2023. Noelia Voigt became the first Venezuelan-American to win the title of Miss USA. The 23-year-old winner is an interior design student and the author of an anti-bullying children’s book named “Maddie the Brave.” Miss Teen USA 2023 Umasofia Srivastava also wrote a children’s book titled “The White Jaguar,” which is about accepting other people’s differences…(read more at source)
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That teen blonde deserves to win
Theres never a blonde win
They look the same
she looks exactly the same as last years winner and Current MIss Universe
wow Venezuela Origins and USA ! strong contestant for Miss Univers !
Hawaii should had won tbh
This is the first time since 2019 both the new Miss USA and Miss Teen USA to have press interviews.
That is not a teenager…what the
why there r no protests from those feminists?
I was waiting for sandra bullock Ms mew jersey inside edition 😂
I would like to be referred to as a Dutch-English American. Accept my differences.
another inside edition nothing burger
Latin/ Hispanic culture loves beauty pageants. It is better to look good than to be good.
To make more money?
O yay. Another narcissist
All the real Miss participants should team up and write a book on how the contest should be women only!
Whaa..? A real woman this time?
Let me guess. This was one of the prizes for winning their pageants
Such sweets girls
Look at all the haters remarks 😂😂😂😂
And both will go far ❤❤❤❤
someones got a type LOL
Wow they look like they could be twins…
So you want woman who get rewarded for their looks and create a generation of insecure girls to write a book about loving yourself? What is inside edition going to post next? Breaking news: Ant gets rescued by a human from a flooding????
So… what did they do to receive this honour? Born pretty? Wow what a great accomplishment…
That's nice
Think stephen king's legacy will be safe
Who cares😮💨
To write a book abouttt…?
Miss beautiful ❤
Thanks for keeping us up to date on important current events!
don't care
Idk but I sure as heck won’t read it
they write books?!
They look almost alike 🤔
i wonder how many times they will use the term "such as" in this literary masterpiece .
Venezuelan top beauty competition so often. Now America have a strong chance to win.🇻🇪
Id rather see them team up in 2 years 😂
Lord please no!!!!
What exactly about??? Butt glue??