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Miss Teen South Carolina Caitlin Upton re-answers her Miss Teen USA question on the Tyra Banks show..(read more at source)
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Being a dunce will never leave her.
It’s not even about the answer she gave, it’s more about the blubbering nature without thinking with brain. Lol
This was worse than the first answer! How can that be possible?
If this is how she gets to redeem herself she might as well take up a career in stand up comedy. )))
She's really dumb. The more she tries to act competent, the dumber she comes across. Just flutter your eyelashes sweetheart.
Very smart girl. She brought her own translator with her!
She should have gone to Oprah show, so Oprah would have said you get a map, you get a map,…….. you all will get a map.
At least she had the nerve to show her face again on national tv.
She still was'nt sure and she had to ask the two other ladies!
They really should ask beauty contestants more important, life altering questions such as…. oh lets see… how about "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" This is a question that has perplexed mankind
for many, many decades.
Damage Control
its pretty sad. it felt rehearsed and she still almost messed it up. its pretty simple. some people are just stupid. its a fact.
Its time for her to buy a map.
This is fake bulshit feminist propaganda, it took her 139 takes and this one the best one.
Hahahaha!!! Totally rehearsed and just to prove she couldn’t answer without rehearsals.
Not a very good answer.
Stil didn’t answer the question 🤢
Leave her alone, she is nice person
And now we have millions of these on ticktock
All is forgiven
lord have mercy 🤦🏻♂️
Wow! And still messed itnup!😅😅😅
She better be glad she got the looks
Wowwww. Forgot how elegant and beautiful a REAL model looks. These spcial media models lame asf and dont have that effect
She also said "Climate change is dangerous, because 'Quarters, nickles and dimes' falling from the sky could hurt someone, especially the "Quarters".
With her looks who cares if she can read a map.
And truthishly
She practiced if this is still screwed it up 😂😂😂😂
She had to practice this answer 😂
Sat is sex sorry statistics aaah statistics still good
Tonta tonta y tonta
“and those si-sicks”
“-STATISSICKS … are correct”
Just saw her interview with Mario Lopez 14 years after this incident. She still sounds like a teenage girl😅… she even when on to blame the organization and producers of the show for causing her to bomb the answer on stage. Reason – the final question wasn’t practiced ahead of time. LOL! There is no way the Miss Universe Organization wouldn’t prep the contestants ahead of time! She was clearly unprepared at the time and couldn’t handle the pressures of the final question!
She needs to come back and this time doesn’t mess up on any words like Stititiscs
She almost forgot what she rehearsed for days 😂😂😂😂