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Interview with Reita Faria – Miss World 1966

Interview with Reita Faria – Miss World 1966

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England: Interview with Miss Reita Faria, representative of India and winner of the 1966 Miss World Pageant.

Inglaterra: Entrevista a la señorita Reita Faria, representante de la India y ganadora del certamen de Miss Mundo 1966. (Idioma ingles)
Fecha: 18/11/1966
Duración: 48 segundos
Código del film: A-19618

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  1. People who say she is ahead of her time, people from 60s, 70s were much more articulate in their words, be it any language. Look at interviews of Zeenat amaan, Shabana Azmi, Waheeda Rehman. Now social media and texting has dumbed down our brain where even have even started to THINK in shortforms (lol, imma, gotta , ain't). And made using many negative terms sound cooler.

  2. This woman is of her time. People saying “ahead of her time” are ignorant of the 1960s era. Today no one is poised and elegant like that.

  3. Her interview is similar to one of the interviews of sushmita sen in simi grewal show exactly Same way of pronunciation

  4. Absolutely beautiful, stunning, elegant and very talented lady.
    Proud to be Born in 1966 when she was crowned as Miss world 🌎

  5. Yes, she became a doctor through her sheer will and determination but not sure if she practiced in India and tried to follow up on her answers about India's population. Dublin is not India. She deserves to be applauded as an Individual contestant but not as the first Indian doing so.

  6. Miss India to Miss world Reita Faria , I always wondered how she had done this back then and today just witnessed it

  7. The clarity in her though process and intonation reminds me of Rekha. Their english diction is also exactly the same

  8. The beauty queens of yesteryears spoke of eloquence and substance. They speak to EXPRESS, NOT to impress. Hence, the depth and relevance.

  9. What an undeniably beautiful woman!such poise, charm and her voice is so calm. She’s so elegant and reminds of an Egyptian queen almost. Bravo, love her accent too.

  10. Indians spoke English very well earlier. Now these celebrities speak in such a weiird way. They are speaking Hinglish not English

  11. English was very common in year 1940 my father was shifted Lahore to new Delhi my father only speaks Urdu English & french frequently

  12. Beacch married a maleccha like bollywoodiya bimbos, no wonder she was so concerned abt an appropriated festivals from polytheists

  13. What a fake lady she is….in her Miss World final winning answer she said "I want to be Doctor because India needs Doctors" and after she won she completed her studies, she got married and went to Dublin and worked there and lived there all her life…. horrible 😭

  14. Her point of view about Christmas and the people she met might not have a true relationship with God. But on Christmas Day, we take a holiday and go meet our loved ones and share gifts, go to worship God. In fact the whole month is celebrated in church. We build manger, decorate house with lights. Her statement is so insane. In my opinion, the people she greeted might looked at her strangeLydia because of many reasons. E.g why a strange woman is greeting, or may be her accent or Indian outfit she’s wearing, her color might be different from them. Or they might not believe in God, or they might belong to other religion who don’t celebrate Christmas. it could be anything. One should not judge based on their perspective

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