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Get Pageant Questions Written By A Miss Universe Judge
These are the top pageant interview questions that are most commonly asked and an explanation of why judges want to know your response. Judging panels keep coming back to these “oldie but goodie” questions. They’re frequently asked for good reason – these questions hit at the heart of whether you’re deserving and prepared to win.
Regardless of what system you’re competing in, being prepared to answer these questions will give you a leg up!..(read more at source)
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My pageant is a month away and I’ve been watching all your videos to help me out! Thank you for all the amazing tips!👑
My Teacher just informed me that I will represent our section to a pageant, and here I am. Thank you for this. It's very helpful ❤
can someone explain the last question in detail?
How would I answer the last question? Cuz isn’t the previous one the same?
Kindly also say the answer of the question pls pls pls I am a going to perform a peagent walk ..
I'm gonna participate in miss teen and after watching this I think I can answer but im bit nervous 😖
Iv been thinking of the Q & A I need to practice.
Thank you for the tips! I’m competing in the Miss World Canada pageant this year, and preliminaries start next month
Thank you mam ❤
Are these Questions asked in State level Teenage Pageant?
Your all videos are so great❤,
I may not be competing pageant right now but you never know about your future so thank u for sharing your words😊🤍🤍🤍
You are an amazing person 💗
My pageant is in 7 weeks and I'm incredibly nervous for the Q&A segment
My pageant is in 7 weeks and I'm incredibly nervous for the Q&A segment
Your dress is cool.
Mam you are nice guider for me I want to become a contestant of beauty pageant plz mam
So beautiful you are💋💋
Thank you.
How can I built my confident
What makes me different? My hair and style. I look more positive and better.
First of all, let me congratulate you on your many achievements. Miss California and Miss America runner-up are majestic achievements.
I recently stumbled upon your channel.I love it. However, I believe that many people love your channel for the tips and tricks you share, not only women but men as well. I myself am a former title-holder of Mister Youth World Indonesia 2018. Perhaps, specialized episode for male pageants would be awesome. Not many channels do that! Regards!
what does “former” mean? like past contestants?
thank you so much
Your series is my coach. Thank you sooo much. I watch every day to prepare for my pageant on the 29th
Thank you for sharing 🥰🥰🥰
Am presently in an ongoing pageantry my first time this helped a lot ❤️🥰
I cannot explain to you how badly I hate answering “tell me about yourself”. I don’t know what exactly the judges want to hear – my career? My personal life? My hobbies? I’m not that interesting🙊
❤️ your dress! Really helpful advice 👌
Yay!!! New video! I love this pageant prep series!!
I really loved this—it would be great to hear some more sample responses or themes that the judges seemingly respond to!