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Dear Potential Sponsors:
We have all heard the expression that the future of our nation lies within its youth and we all know that the direction our youth will take ultimately determines the strength or weakness of our country.
Hi my name is Philesha Carter. I am thirteen years old and in the fall will be a 9th grader at Western High School located in Baltimore, Maryland. My parents are Andrewetta and Philemon Carter. I have one older brother. I am an A-B honor roll student. My outside activities include basketball, softball, volleyball, acting, modeling, and singing. Some of my major achievements include being a finalist in Fox 45’s writing contest, Champion of Courage and Good Samaritan’s writing contest, The Woman Who Takes Care of Me. In both I won savings bond.
Recently, I received a letter in the mail from NAM inviting me to their open call. I asked my mom if I could join, so she singed me up. Next I went to the open call, there they told us about NAM and evaluated all the girls. A few weeks later I received a letter in the mail saying that I am an official state finalist in the junior teen division for the pageant on August 13-15 in Reston, Virginia. In the next meeting they told us someone who cares and believes in us recommended each of us to be in the pageant. The reason that I signed up is because this will be an extraordinary experience for me to meet new people and try new things. I stand a chance to win $1,000 cash award, prizes, scholarships and more!
I need your help to sponsor me into this program. The total cost is $440. Your contribution is tax deductible and any amount you can donate will be greatly appreciated. The contributions will be used to cover auditorium and production cost of the day events, staff, scholarships, prizes and awards. Your name as a sponsor will go into a book under the finalist’s pictures.
Please make checks payable to National American Miss. Again, any amount you choose to contribute will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you and may God Bless.
Philesha Carter..(read more at source)

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About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. I have done that commercial before and I actually won at state with that commercial! When you say the guy of my dreams be not dramatic don't be afraid to be over the top judges like that! Don't feel embarrassed to be silly and fun you kinda seemed that way and judges will notice that in a second. I'm not trying to insult you I'm just give you some advice I hope this is not to late good luck feel free to message me if you want my help

  2. Ok ive done nam for years and I was actually once a nam national title holder! Actress is my fav optional and can I honestly say your commercial was not the best! You really have to be more dramatic and be more girly and fun with it. Watch commercials on tv and see how they advertise. Judges want a fun energetic girl not a girl just reading a bunch of lines.

  3. Finally! Someone from Maryland who is competing in NAM like me!! Hello, my name is Tracy Okoroh and I know where you're coming from. IWe are alot alike… Smart, athletic, first-timers, in the same grade, into acting, singing and modeling, etc… But OMG! We should keep in touch and help each other through this pageant process. Wow. Well yea, nice meeting you, well i mean lol maybe we'll see each other at the pageant!

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