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American Pageant Chapter 7 APUSH Review (Period 3)

American Pageant Chapter 7 APUSH Review (Period 3)

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Review of American Pageant (Kennedy) Chapter 7, American History (Brinkley) Chapter 4, America’s History (Henretta) Chapter 5.

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Topics: Road to American Revolution: 1763-1775
Seven Years War, King George III, George Grenville, Proclamation of 1763, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Quartering Act, Virginia Resolves, Stamp Act Congress, Sons of Liberty, Nonimportation Agreements, Declaratory Act, Townshend Act, Writ of Assistance, Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, Daughters of Liberty, Boston Massacre, Committee of Correspondence, Samuel Adams, Tea Act, Boston Tea Party, Coercive Acts/ Intolerable Acts, Suffolk Resolves, Quebec Act, 1st Continental Congress, Lexington & Concord..(read more at source)

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  1. I am covering a bunch of Continuation courses…these videos are GREAT supports for all my students BEFORE they do the assignments in their text…Thanks so very much!!!

  2. smh i was gonna post a really cool and funny comment that you guys were gonna like alot and smash that like button and subscribe and hit the bell icon and share with your friends and follow me on instagram for. but can u guys just pretend that I wrote a really funny and witty and quirky comment and just like it anyways? thanks bros!

  3. So helpful! I have a test on Tuesday and these videos reallllly help me review and to get a jist of the chapter. I always watch them before, and after I read to get the concept cemented in my mind LOL

  4. There is some more content after the "Bloodshed" section in chapter 7. Is this information essential to know? (I am referring to the 16th edition of the book)

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