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Is this the dead selfish jumper?
On every single video I see why is everyone saying no she didn't kill herself,why is that so hard to believe,even after her mum said she had depression still people here are saying no she was pushed,it is possible to have everything but still not be happy,she was an over achiever,over achievers are most likely to end their life go look it up, this poor girl took herself up to the 29th floor and sadly jumped that's what happened,enough with the theory's,there was no foul play, beautiful people with the most perfect life still take their own life,she had said numerous times she was dreading turning 30,she couldn't handle it
Does it really add up? I pray they do the right thing and investigate this. The struggle is real, the scripture says, "We wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities, spiritual wickedness in high places"! Remember Paul Roberson who was brilliant and a lawyer by trade. The impact he had on the world back then was a threat and the powers that existed tried to destroy him. He was more aware, thus less trusting. I think her naivety of the far reaching affects and ill intentions of those involved was used to their advantage. My prayers are with her family.😔🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
She should have been appreciated more and treated better by society. The trolls who harassed her over the past couple of years really need to be held accountable to set an example for others who do this and there really needs to be a push to hold them accountable. They may have freedom of speech, but they contributed to her depression and a death resulted due to this. There were three trolls who told her to kill herself, trolls who put her down with comments, and trolls who used vomit emojis.
There should also be a push to have Instagram and possibly other platforms remove vomit emojis as well as other abusive emojis and to automatically block abusive users who are reported. This should not and cannot ever be allowed to happen again. We need to really crack down on these people.
It is all just need t understood. We will never know. The aftermath of just wanting to know why, we will never know. Prayers to the family as they for the rest of their lives will have to live with her decision. Committing suicide is a selfish emotion in my opinion. And it's also misunderstood in any case. In Cheslie Kryst situation we see she had everything going for her. Graduated college. An attorney. Crowned Miss USA. A journalist for TV Extra. Beautiful and young. A 1. plus millionaire worth. Seemed to have everything going for her. Then she lived on the 9th floor in downtown Manhattan, New York, near Times Square and goes up to the 29th floor of her apartment building and jumps to her death! Thinking about her jumping gets me every time. We will never know why. But we all know it happens and will continue to happen. My prayer is that those after her seek the help they need. It's time to do more than check in. People young and old are going through this awful thing of ending their own lives because they can not cope with the inner turmoil within themselves over their demise. The only thing they know to do is the unthinkable to kill themselves. The reason why I'm struggling with her and Regina Kings son before Ms Kryst suicide and many others. The designer Kate Spade, many more. I am a believer in God a Christian saved and have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord. My belief is that God gave us life and it is He that takes it away. He gave us commandments that we are to live by. One is do not kill. As doing so it is sin. So if we kill ourselves, what does that constitute to His word? I'm not sure if those who take on this awful existence decide at the moment to ask God’s forgiveness. I believe that they do in some sort of way. Ms Kryst leaves a note to may you now rest in peace and that was all. I don't know if that was toward herself or to someone who may had her backed up in a corner. Whichever she was indeed driven to end her life over it as jumping to her death from the 29th floor. She died instantly from the jump, and it haunts me to think about it. I've been in situations to want to end my life but found myself to scared to carry it out. Since then, I still struggle with on/off depression but I sought help through my psychiatrist and therapist and I take low dose meds to help and rely on my faith in God. Seeing her many footage of videos in the aftermath of her death is something that we should embrace. For those who are struggling, Chelsie Kryst suicide is a reminder that we are all beautiful on the outside. We can accomplish great things in life. But we need to persevere through the inner turmoil, seek the right professional help and check in a mental hospital to help us sort out all our brain cannot process in every area. She had had a lot of anger shame guilt fear but mostly anger shame guilt. I wish as we all do that she got the help she should have known she needed and not let the world push her to jumping to her death. Sad reality.
God already knew her life this was going to happen it's so sad ,God knows are whole life, beginning and end if we knew are life paths we could prevent them from happening with friends, families, Etc. Rest in paradise 🙏🙏🙏
You are so beautiful cheslie, inside out. Rest in peace. From Philippines here.
And this is the reason why I do not think she did this to herself the more and more video I see of her the more I just could not imagine her doing this to herself this way somebody had to do something somebody had to do something to this girl or say something to this girl to catch her off guard just because she went up there do not mean she wasn't pushed by somebody else or something else went down I do not care about no note that's because the no do not mean it's her was it her handwriting? Where are the videos of her going up from the 9th floor to the 29th floor? Who did she last text or talk to? Who really made that last post of her with a older picture? No it just don't sit right with My Soul I'm sorry 😔
I know she was seen going up by camaras on her own, but in her relationships, someone must of influenced this terrible desicion somehow.
I hope they investigate. So sad.
I feel her family of over achievers and preassure she put onto her self might have had her go through a mental break down, now age…I see her mom at 52 rocking a body better than any 20year old so, I am asuming this was deeper or someone was involved it her passing. May she rest in peace beautiful angel❤️
She didn't kill herself. I pray the truth will reveal itself one day. Yall believe anything they put out there.
I wonder what she's depressed about.
The 5G illusions and the Shot did this
Yall act So SLOW. They killed this girl man, smh. Stevie Wonder can see that.
If there is no GOD.there is no HOPE..GOD IS LOVING🙏
She was a kind soul.(she had a fiance and nobody's talking about him)…this was a brutal and horrifying way to end it all!!! Where are the surveillance cameras showing her going to the 29th floor?(something as insignificant as jay z and solange fighting was showed world wide…why can't we see Chelsea going on and off the freaking ELEVATOR! IF SHE WAS BLONDE HAIR AND BLUE EYES I BETCHA WE WOULD SEE IT!!! ) How come the media isn't showing that? How we don't know someone didn't go up there with her? Maybe someone getting paid to burn or surpress those tapes.maybe it was the 30th floor..30th day 30th birthday 30th floor satanic Hollywood sacrifice…Black women don't jump to their DEAThs…white males do…also my Major was Administration of Justice…I wanted to be an attorney/ or anything in Law enforcement…one thing about…my personality that I see in her…is a will to survive and thrive…a go getter…I have taken hard hits throughout the years…and ran across evil I didn't know exist…but I wasn't going to take my Life….this girl didn't EXIT this life volunteeringly she was forced to leave this LIFE
Any personalities that are aspiring Attorneys…that's what you do…you fight for other people's lives…
If depression hit her that hard ( which is a DEMONIC force) she can't function
And she would have sought help
I don't see her quiting like that
EVERYBODY knows what it takes to get a degree
To perform in a pageant…and host a show with all white folks…and she gone jump to her DEATH…???
And the mom finds out two days before her DEATH…it's some foul play in this mess
It will come out in heaven or a few years from now
But I had to learn to tone down my voice cause I came across as a smart azz to PEOPLE…a know it all…a matter of fact type of person
Attorney type people are like that…that girl did not kill herself…,,💔God forgive me if she did
If she was alive and people gives her time like this with so much support,it probably won't happen esp.when you knew God.
Anybody notice the ring on her engagement finger?
I still can't believe it she's gone 😢 so beautiful so talented person.😢
This is Beyond painful even for those who did not know her personally. Why? How? 😪😓🤯😭😭
I guarantee you that she was already out of her body before the moment of impact.