Miss USA 2019 Cheslie Kryst passes away, family confirms

Miss USA 2019 Cheslie Kryst passes away, family confirms

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Cheslie Kryst, 30, was known for her work within the community…(read more at source)

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  1. Sometimes, a person has a tendency pretend and to hide what he or she truly feels inside while showing the entire world the other side and make them think that you're truly strong but the truth is, your tearing apart and breaking down until the truth will push you to the limit and even take your own life. Sad.😩

  2. She was doing waayyy too much! I loved her. And this made me sad. But, we have to take care of ourselves. Just because you are young and strong. Doesn't mean you should take on a million things at once. Protect your mental health! You are not a machine!

    She was depressed. She was an Attorney. She was on "Extra". She was a Board member of several organizations giving a million speeches. Flying all over the country. She had a blog. Was developing a fashion line. And active on Instagram and Tik Tok where she was constantly trolled with people (who were jealous and hateful) to kill herself!

    And she was writing a book. This sounds like the "mania side" of Bi-polar Depression. And is obviously deadly. All of that is enough to cause someone to self-terminate. We have to take care of ourselves. Slow down. And not take on too much. We are not machines. Rest in Peace beautiful, smart Queen!

  3. "When i continue to only find emptiness", in own words. Folks there is emptiness in the things many people are searching and pursuing. A life without Christ, who is truly life itself, is all emptiness. Take it or leave it. Period!

  4. Depression only occurs to people who are not in great physical condition . This lady was in the best physical condition possible . This would give you clues that her mental health was great too. They say there is a video of her jumping , where is it ? . Its total nonsense , and she did not jump , at least not willingly .

  5. Mental Health is complicated, Very Personal and private. I feel everyone has some form of Personality Disorder, which is not as insulting as using Mental Health Disorder Labels that cause people to be secretive and defensive when dealing with their disorder. Some disorders are more severe than others, however as long as a person is responsible and independent there is no need to worry about the type of shortcomings he or she has.

  6. Once the devil take possession of the mind , demons come to kill , steal and destroy ! What is it to gain the "World" and to lose your soul ! Lake of fire, the bottomless pit of Hell , awaits all unsaved sinners souls, for the day of his warth is near.

  7. She was obviously murdered and it's something else that's just gonna get swept under the rug like the media does everything else because the powers that be just have that kinda power and control over the masses who's dumb enough to keep believing shit like this…. Sending my condolences to her family and loved ones 🙏🏿

  8. 9/10, as soon as the victim takes the plunge to their imminent demise the regret sets in (per suicide survivors). Such a sad story and a warning for anyone contemplating doing harm to themselves… seek help

  9. This is terrible So beautiful and bright I actually think suicide is the Devil filling your head with hopeless thoughts Let's stay strong in Christ and hang in there

  10. According to insider, Cheslie was intensely & constantly fighting with her parents, because they wanted her to practice her Lawyer MBA profession rather than being a entertainment correspondent in EXTRA.

    There were hurtful words given.
    She was also closeted LGBTQ+.
    New York Worsening Winter & Gloomy Weather, Lack of Sunlight, Depression sank in!

    She left her properties (with a note, not a will) to her mother- allegedly to hurt her mother & to make her feel guilty.

    In her essay in Allure Magazine-May 2021 Kryst’s said “A grinning, crinkly-eyed glance at my achievements thus far makes me giddy about laying the groundwork for more, but turning 30 feels like a cold reminder that I’m running out of time to matter in society’s eyes, and it’s infuriating. —-Why earn more achievements just to collect another win? Why pursue another plaque or medal or line item on my resume if it’s for vanity’s sake, rather than out of passion? Why work so hard to capture the dreams I’ve been taught by society to want when I continue to only find emptiness?”

    Rest in Peace Cheslie 💔💔💔

  11. Did they thoroughly investigated this before concluding it's suicide? CCTV cameras checked, absolutely no one was in her apartment? She could have been forced to write the note and pushed to her death.

  12. Why does the media keep reporting on suicides. And without a warning. It's very triggering to people. There needs to be more guidelines. They didn't even show the proper numbers for outreach help. Media gone buck wild.

  13. Affirmative action…its called "commits suicide", not "passes away". Of course, it could be murder. Anybody seen Hillary coming and going from there? Maybe she was involved with Gizelle and Epstein. She is on her "list". Or, maybe that she just turned 30. 30 is devastating to a beauty queen.

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