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In an Instagram video, Mrs.World relinquishes her crown and addresses the on-stage incident with Pushpika De Silva at the Mrs. Sri Lanka World beauty pageant. Watch!
#CarolineJurie #Mrs.SriLanka #PushpikaDeSilva #ENews #CelebrityNews
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Mrs. World Caroline Jurie Steps Down After Crown Snatching | E! News
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Biggest stupid woman of all time.. good they made her appologize
This is sad. Sri Lanka just won miss World after 35 years. Her win became a joy for short moment in time then became a nightmare. Because shell be known not as the Miss World that won the world title that brought pride to her country, but as the Miss World winnee that brought shame upon her country
then you should tell that before coronation not wait until the coronation moment
She certainly has some childhood trauma. What a vicious b!tch she was on the stage. Here, she portrays her act as some sort of fight for justice wherein reality she wasn’t getting any action from the husband. 🤣
If Adam have never listened to his wife…
Did she return the price money as well? Or iust the crown?
Who was the other girl that was raising her hand
She has every right to give up her title
First of all u took matters into your own hands which you have no authority too
Second you embrassed yourself ,the winner and the runner up .
Good luck to her husband. 🤣
Shame on her..that woman was waaay prettier than her though
But miss you don't have the Right to do that . All she wanted was attentions
Classless person.
She could have avoided crowning itself instead of snatching it ..too much drama
If she is so sure about the rules, she could have been a little patient and got things rectified in a dignified manner to both parties involved, instead she displayed a behaviour that lacks self control, allowing her anger and hatred to take over, not a role model we would want for anyone to follow, let alone beauty queens !!! Disgusting behaviour, anyone supporting this kind of action, its time to take a hard look at yourself cos there is definitely something wrong with ur mentality
Omg.. I just hate her face 🤮
Mistake girls you chould not give it away by Hollywood Mo Raad artist and judges on Google international. ? Mo?
You are so pretty. The other woman who insulted you in public was jealous of your beauty.
Still the queen 👑
Respect for Caroline Jurie !! Okay you all only see what happened on stage but today 9/4/2022 Mrs world organization removed Pushpika's status as Mrs Sri Lanka.Kudos to Caroline Jurie for standing up for .injustice even when no one helped her. Truth never can be hidden and also Mrs world organization says that Caroline Jurie is the still Mrs world of 2019 and Caroline resigned by herself since there wasn't any justice for other contest who participated with Pushpika and also Mrs world organization says that there are 2 mrs worlds in 2019. you can Google every fact
Now after all this drama see whats happen.Caroline was right.Pushpika dont deserve the crown.
She did the right thing at that time but sadly none is ready to listen to the truth.
what a disgrace
You should’ve brought it up in the beginning of the pageant if you knew about it!! Not after the crowning! Don’t be foolish ok Kanye! 🙄
If caroline did something in the pageant , its only for every sri lankan womens honor . Please try to understand . caroline did not insult her. Raised the voice for the dignity of all married women in our country.❤️👑 Pushpika is a person who always tries to use his power to gain his victory by lying and abusing his power. A woman who was discredited among the majority of the country. I invite everyone to check out her interviews🙏. She really is not the right person for this crown. Even in the style of speaking.💔
caroline jurie is the real queen…💜🌻 she stood up againts the political influenced winner… 💪💪💪
wow very good acting, she's just a pawn in a game of chess, who lost what she had
You are mean human being. Get a life.
She had every reason to step down. It was not her place to disqualify anyone that is the organizations job
Get lost women..
It's good you have resigned, if not for sure the organisation would have dethrone you guranteed.
Go back and look at those video clips how ugly you are with that revenged face.
There is only one queen in Sri Lanka Mrs Rosy.
If you cannot handle situations appropriately atleast seek the opinions of others its always better than being a joker or hero
Both parties were savaged…
Even rules and regulations are to everyone you should know how to act in public. Whatever you done is disrespectful
The whole scene was horrific and comical at the same time. I was shocked beyond belief. It was like a watching the Jerry Springer Show. I don't what came over this woman and her vigilante squad. 🙄😒😏
Fake woman, she is not sweet, she is cruel. It was not her right to remove the crown from another woman. She destroyed her very own reputation as a Queen by doing it.
Wow this women is such a shame to all women !! How could she say stuff like we can’t celebrate separated and divorce women ??
Good you stepped down… Its a justice to Woman & Crown..
The way you snatched Crown from Pushpika De Silva was devilish
I understand her mind… But she shouln't have reacted harshly… Stupid wild woman
Gutter is thinking it has polluted the ocean.
You don't deserve mrs world crown
What a nasty piece of work!
Rules are rules but be responsible when you take actions.. be sure that you really know the case is. Not only from hearsay
BS she’s terrible