Trans Woman Wins “Miss America” Pageant.. And People Are Mad

Trans Woman Wins “Miss America” Pageant.. And People Are Mad

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See also  Kelly Kruze in talent competition for Miss Gay America 1993

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  1. Not too dissimilar from the deaf, mute trans woman “singing” I Will Always Love You on a talent contest. And winning.
    It was absolutely awful, you should see it on YouTube to understand how terrible the performance was, yet it won. I can’t say much more otherwise YouTube deletes my comment.

  2. Teenager, yes… Entitled, narcissistic teenager… If this was honest person, he wouldn’t even participate in this charade! And if this was biological woman looking like this, they wouldn’t let her near the stage…
    He get the scholarship instead one of the beautiful young woman who actually put some work to even get there!

  3. I remember 10 years ago Trump blocked Jenna Talackova from competing and she was so much hotter and beautiful than all the other canadian contestants, the thing is she didn't win when she should.
    then there was Spain sending a transwoman, Nevada had a transwin as well?

    this however is just sad to look at because he'll be getting hate for his entire life

  4. I don't like pageants to begin with. But if I was asked I'd say I don't care. I think trans people can participate unless there was a ban on having plastic surgery or something and they allow trans people to have it despite that.
    But this girl shouldn't have won… M sorry.

  5. Science is the new religion, or more precisely….blindly following science is a new form of worship.

    Trust the science: That I believe in

    Follow the science: That ostensibly confirms my belief.

    The science is settled: Science is a process and never truly settled.

    And my personal favourite…Scientists say.

    A man can never become a woman. But they can live as a woman and deserve as much respect as anybody else. I respect you Blaire, simply for being you, simply for speaking your mind and simply for being explorative and showing true fortitude against much disingenuous opprobrium. Beauty is a force that shines through, and shine it most certainly does.

  6. The day someone who is not thin will win a competition just because she is beautiful according to "social consensus" (with God's help it will happen in the near future) I will know that the world is going to a truly better place.. Let someone win when it is clear that the reason is that she is trans It's simple 🤦‍♀️

  7. I'm not a fan of pageants but this is so ludicrous. No words anymore to explain all this insanity.

    2 + 2 = 4 not 5 people! No amount of trying to get me to say it's 5 will get me to say it's 5

  8. Our world is screwed, that's all I'm going to say! Next thing we're going to see is white person accepting an award specifically catered for an African American person. Sounds absurd, but you just wait and see. Because there isn't a difference of someone being able to do that, and a transgender woman being able to do this.


  9. Unpopular opinion: trans women should be banned from beauty pageants with true born women. It’s not an honest competition. The trans women had to go on hormones and surgeries just to look the way that they do and often have the pageants rigged in their favor.

    The outcome of all this basically promotes truly unhealthy, unrealistic beauty standards for women, they literally would have to have been born a man to even have a chance.

    If the trans women still wanted a pageant they’d be better off organizing their own.

  10. They are using her as pawn so it’s ok you’re saying something bc you’re advocating against the exploitation of this young trans girl and hurting her image she might later regret it and feel embarrassed and exploited

  11. 9:17 great point that not everyone should do what others do and i think our problem is pushing it on kids who all just want to “fit in” and will do whatever is popular and now we have allowed children to run our country…

  12. They let an over weight dude win a MISS title. Ya'll are accommodating too much! I've not seen woman right oppressed as badly as its happening in America with all sincerity

    The Arabs can no longer compete…

  13. Blaire I think there’s more in beauty than looks right? I never been to a pageant before so idk how they judge it but maybe they see her as more than just looks. I do get what you’re saying tho. Btw I love you! ❤️

  14. My reaction wasn't towards her being trans and winning, but more towards her size (seems they're trying to push a weight agenda too) and more importantly… I thought women had to be 21 or older to enter Miss America? She's only a teenager? Am I wrong, and you can be as young as 18?

  15. Although I appreciate your efforts to be kind and be neutral in your commentary, I hope that you can reconceptualize your definition of beauty. Unfortunately, the norm around the world for what constitutes as someone being beautiful is centered around thinness, whiteness, traditional notions of femininity, all whilst perpetuating a white male gaze. Although I appreciate your efforts to be nuanced in your videos, it makes me sad hearing the things you’re saying about this gorgeous young women when you know the struggles of not conforming to a cis archetype of beauty. I hope you can widen your perception and actually get to know her a little bit better, so you can actually talk about her as a dope human being that I know she is. All respect 🧡

  16. That's a fkn joke to every real woman and jab to tranny's. You can't change your gender, you can just become a freak, like this shi-t. Your ass, I'm sure looks better than this shi-t. That beast looks like a fat Jacki chan dressed in drag. In other words a fkn joke. How does this imitation female beat any real female, it's damn ludicrous. No doubt that the worst looking woman at the pageant looked better then that beast in a dress. Like, was there a swimsuit competition. Usually the host ask them what it was like as a little girl growing up. I would have asked that question, that would have been a slap of reality to the face of that monster. A Tijuana street hooker on crack looks better than that thing. I want to be a tranny, but I want to be a Trans species and turn into a vulture, so I can fly and shi-t on the head of everyone that voted for that thing.

  17. the issue is I believe this took a scholarship away from a girl. when its catered to girls. so its just yet ANOTHER instance where a guy takes a scholarship opportunity that was created for girls.

  18. People get so upset when they are not considered smart or beautiful… and there were many young beautiful girls that should have got that award but because people want to act like ugly fat people are pretty… they give a pity award and it’s stupid. I could never win a beauty contest, it sucks but that’s life. Get over it

  19. People have got to step up and stop the cruel mutilation and severe psychological damage being done to children by this insane trans movement.
    And here's how EVIL it is: at a government hearing on the subject, some poor girl who had her breasts amputated and was testifying about the horrible side effects of trans surgery – years later, she has to have her breasts bandaged 24 hours a day because her nipples uncontrollably bleed – was angrily booed and had insults shouted at her by an LGBTQ group.

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