An Overweight Dude Wearing a Dress Won a “Miss America” Beauty Pageant

An Overweight Dude Wearing a Dress Won a “Miss America” Beauty Pageant

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  1. "Simon Peter said to them – make Mary leave us,for females dont deserve life. Jesus said – look,I will guide her to make her male so that she too may become a living spirit,recembling you. For every female who makes her self male will enter the kingdom of heaven". The gospel of Thomas (first/second century)

  2. The pageant judges need to be fired and never let them judge another pageant and the real girls in the pageant should sue Miss America – not only is the dude not pretty he's fat and he's got a penis – how in the hell does this happen?

  3. Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for doing absolutely NOTHING. Black Panther won 3 Oscar’s, despite being a terrible movie. Now this. All these award/prize ceremonies have no credibility whatsoever. I wonder who they are all run by???

  4. The problem with the world I live in today is that everyone has a fucking mic 📢 sometimes I wonder where exactly is the part where aliens screwed it up ? & said f@#k it let's go…..

  5. Women have to do something or one day the Beauty Pageant will be all men.

  6. It's a FACT that the "winner" was PRE-SELECTED by the organization to win; the judges were informed of such and were told to "go through the motions." I'm certain that if the female contestants had been made aware that the winner had already been selected PRIOR to the pageant, then they would have had the courage to boycott this ridiculous travesty. This needs to be investigated asap!

  7. According to a federal court ruling, Miss United States of America pageants cannot be forced to include transgender contestants. This is in the wake of a lawsuit filed against the organization where they claimed to be victims of discrimination. A rule in the organization stated that contestants must be "natural-born females."

  8. It’s like the story, “The Emperor’s New Clothes”!!
    We are in denial of truth as much as they are, even though it’s right before their very eyes!!

  9. So a cow won a miss dairy contest, when are we going to talk about how unreasonable divorce laws have become in light of the woke world

  10. When this happens the women should boycott the competition in the middle of the show this would show that these people that this person is that this is a real women competition not transgender dress up pretend wannabee
    I agree with this video

  11. It's an episode of fairly odd parents. Timmys dad finlly gets to fulfill his dream of being Miss Dimsdale and enslaving his dreaded neighbour Dinkleberg

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