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The competition is going on …
Let’s wish her all the best
#MissUniverseNepal..(read more at source)
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She deserved Top 10 or even 5. Love her from the Philippines
proud of u 🤩🤩😍
Anshika sharma ko budo le khana denna k ho🙄
She deserved to place higher in Ms. U. Nilaglag talaga sya nang mga latina judges.
She is one of my favorite.
She was my bet for ms Universe.
Nice deserve to be top 21
Beautiful Nepal also wel prepared but MU judges in Florida did not bet her even for one of the 20 selection. What judges looking for in their formula….are not known….
Nepal is my favorite, she deserves to b on d TOP 10, shes not nervous, shes confident, best in catwalk but according to many who have witnessed d show, miss u 2020 contest is a total messed up, obviously unfair, disorganised, questionable credibility. Fan frm Nederlands
Love u and best of luck and proud of u
She was a great contestant… she deserved top 20… her smile is so charming…
From india
Beautiful Ms Nepal!
Love Nepal 🇳🇵 from Thailand 🇹🇭
She should have been in the top10
Latina judges thinks they are the most beautiful…..
I am sick of hearing mount everest and lord buddha and nepali geography by seeing all the nepali beauties introduction part
Her national costume and intrpduction is like she is taking mount everest to miss universe instead of her spirit in participation And spirit of nepali people
Hamro deshlai hepeko ho inharule
She's so amazing and beautiful. I love her walk😍😍.. Love from 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭
She's one of my top bets…charming and walks gracefully !❤
Very deserving to be in Top 21!!! ❤🇵🇭
She deserved to be at top 5, fan from Philippines 🇵🇭
I am rooting for Nepal. One of my favorites. From 🇵🇭
She’s everyone filipino’s favorite. We really love her here
I love her.. didn't expect her not included in top 21 ..love from Phil,…
She's one of the top candidates and a fan favorite also that sadly didn't make it in the finals… 😭😭😭
She was one of my favorite in miss universe 2020 ❤️ from 🇮🇳
It was a cooking show.
Earlier I thought miss universe Nepal was better than Miss universe India this year …but right after the final announcement ….I realised that Anshikas speaking and expressing approach was not strong enough as she sounds sweet and calm … where as miss universe India had always shown her strong aptitude while speaking which enhances her confidence
She is rejected because she is from poor underdeveloped countries Nepal
She was very deserving top finalist along with south africa ….👌💞💞
I was shocked why Miss Nepal did not make it to top 21.
proud nepal