![APUSH Unit 4 REVIEW [Period 4: 1800-1848]—Everything You NEED to Know APUSH Unit 4 REVIEW [Period 4: 1800-1848]—Everything You NEED to Know](https://i2.wp.com/res.cloudinary.com/glide/image/fetch/https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2F-wnDpr9PMnc%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg?w=760&resize=760,456&ssl=1)
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In this video Heimler takes you through a full review of the AP U.S. History curriculum for Unit 4.
Period 4 concentrates on the sweeping changes taking place in the early republic of the United States. Beginning with the Revolution of 1800 in which Thomas Jefferson took office in a peaceful transfer of power, the nation was set for a lot of change.
Political parties experienced changes and realignment. As the Federalists fell out of relevance, especially as a result of their opposition to the War of 1812, the Democratic Republicans assumed the mantle of the nation’s sole political party. With the party, two factions emerged: the Democrats and the National Republicans. Eventually those two factions would harden into proper political parties: the Democrats and the Whigs.
American also experienced a sweeping economic and social change in the Market Revolution. Farming and industry from all over the continent became increasingly interwoven in large part due to the rise of agricultural technologies like the cotton gin and transportation technologies like the steam engine and canals.
This period also was the context for a change in the democratic process. More men were demanding the franchise unconnected to property ownership, and in many states, they got it. Later, women would call on this same right at the Seneca Falls Convention, but for them the franchise was still a long way off.
In this period we also see the rise of the Second Great Awakening which spread throughout the states due to the organization of camp meetings and new kinds of preachers like Charles Finney. The message of this Second Great Awakening focused on the reformation of society and therefore gave birth to the early temperance movement, women’s rights movement, and stoked the fires of abolitionism.
This unit ends by considering the role and resistance of African Americans in the early republic as well as the central place slavery held in southern society.
If you have any questions, leave them below and Heimler shall answer forthwithly.
This video is aligned with the AP U.S. History Curriculum and Exam Description for Unit 4, and all the key concepts thereunto appertaining…(read more at source)
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You forgot about the Mexican American War
of course this comes up in recommended a unit after unit 4 smh
Heimler should make a diss track on crash course
this channel is really about to save my grade in APUSH
anyone got a timestamp for when he says "sussy"?
Thank you so much! I got ur essay cram course and review pack and they’ve been really helpful!:)
you are my light
19:20 It gets a little WHAT
If I buy the review packet do I have it like permanently for the entire year
19:22 🙁
i have a midterm in 3 minutes… thank you
POV: finals
my apush exam is in a little less than 24 hours, this guy is gold.
Dude I’ve been struggling in Apush and trying to get an A is so hard but these videos helps so much thank you dude!
just watched 1-4 unit vids and i can say this really helped !! hopefully i'll do good on my final this friday :,D
Can confirm that history stayed the same 1 year later
I have a test in 2 days over unit 4 and I’m cramming while doing my long af study guide which I have to turn in
Cult of domesticity
I love you
your a beautiful bearded man
Love u dad
This guy is just amazing. Thanks so much for helping so many students, myself included!
When u have a dbq tnrw n ur desperately hoping this helps bc history isn’t ur thing n u failed the saq n mc already
Thanks bro. My unit 4 exam is tomorrow.
i have an MCQ and SAQ tomorrow for APUSH period 4 tomorrow:/
I love you. I have a test tomorrow