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A look ahead at the astrological forecast for February of 2023, with astrologers Chris Brennan, Austin Coppock, and Bear Ryver.
February is the final month of Saturn transiting through Aquarius and Mars through Gemini, and so it is a month of bringing things to completion and reflecting on how far you’ve come since those two transits started.
At the top of the episode we talk about the astrology of some recent events in the news, such as the release of Avatar 2 under the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, AI starting to ramp up as a prelude to Pluto in Aquarius, and an entire generation successfully completing their Saturn return.
In the second half of the episode we get into the astrology of February, which includes Mercury finally moving into Aquarius after a long retrograde period in Capricorn, a Full Moon in Leo, and a new Moon in Pisces.
This is episode 385 of The Astrology Podcast:
More About Chris, Austin, and Bear
Archetypal Explorer
Astrology Calendar Posters for 2023
Vettius Valens Book Chat on Feb 8
Auspicious Election for February:
February 22, 2023 at 2:01 PM local time, with Cancer rising
For more auspicious dates in February see our electional astrology podcast:
For auspicious dates later in the year see our 2023 Year Ahead Electional Astrology Report:
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00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:41 Quick February Astrology Overview
00:01:48 Welcoming Bear and Austin
00:05:23 Reviewing astrology of recent news stories
00:09:44 Avatar 2 and Jupiter conjunct Neptune
00:22:38 Saturn returns in Aquarius finishing
00:45:30 AI and Saturn and Pluto in Aquarius
00:53:15 Mars direct in Gemini
01:00:10 Andrew Garfield an astrologer?
01:04:22 Younger astrologers coming into community
01:09:52 Archetypal Explorer sponsor
01:13:26 Astrology Christmas tree
01:14:00 February astrology forecast begins
01:16:08 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini
01:23:11 Full Moon in Leo halfway between eclipses
01:28:40 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces on February 15
01:34:48 Mercury-Pluto conjunction
01:38:16 USA Pluto return
01:40:46 Holland USA chart
01:46:24 Mercury enters Aquarius
01:46:58 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius
01:52:00 Saturn in Aquarius reflections
02:03:56 Sun enters Pisces and New Moon in Pisces
02:12:30 Auspicious date for February
02:16:30 Final alignments of February
02:17:24 Mars-Neptune square
02:20:25 Mercury conjunct Saturn and Venus conjunct Jupiter
02:28:33 Bear’s offerings and contact info
02:30:13 Austin’s offerings and contact info
02:32:20 Chris’ upcoming episodes and Patreon
02:34:25 End credits..(read more at source)
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Listening to this on Feb 24th – around 1.39 'finding out where the bodies were buried'. Feb 14 New Zealand got whacked by a big cyclone 'gabrielle'. Houses, people and animals were literally buried by silt – water up to the rooves of their houses. Next day horses and sheep standing on rooves. Thousands of animals dead. Thousands left homeless. Tons of big machinery, the army and the navy arrived to help, dig people out, look for the missing, ship in food and water. All comms and power were out all over the place for 3-10 days. Digging for bodies. Recovery has stopped today as we are now in the middle of another Big weather event. The Hawkes Bay got trashed by silt and forestry slash! Look it up it is mind boggling stuff. Thousands displaced.
Saturn in my 1. house was mostly about bad health that became really bad Long Covid as it got around my Sun in 25 Aquarius. Saturn in Capricorn did many 12th house things but also made me live through an intense period of phobia. I moved to another country during that period and suddenly realised the most beautiful big house I was in was an arachnophobia nightmare. I don’t know which was worse 12th house or 1. House 🤷♀️
I have Jupiter and Venus in Pisces (2. House) and Mercury and Sun in Aquarius in the first whole sign house.
I worked in some swanky publishing house and did lots of translation related work there sometimes about utopias, dreamy poets writing on strange topologies or history of Hittitology etc later I worked with legal system and worked as a translator mostly with the police or the court sometimes other authorities like presidents or businessmen. I am a funny mix of dreamy floating head with serious case of discalculia and an incurable editor who notices strange details
From sledgehammers to Kissinger, the psychic rapport of this trio is uncanny. This episode inspired me to start a Potlatch Lobby to facilitate wealth redistribution.
IF you play pokemon scarlet/violet, you are going to see a TON on elements that has to do with Mars in Gemini
Amelia Dimoldenberg is a British comedian and her whole thing is awkward flirting interviews with everyone…
In relation to Saturn in Aquarius: I’m a Taurus rising married to a Scorpio rising. Aquarius is my 10th and it’s my husband’s 4th. I started a new career and got really lucky with Jupiter transiting the sign, but then after Jupiter left I kept expecting really good (and easy) luck in this part of my chart, which of course didn’t happen. I also learned that I wanted to have the career that I have but make it more of a personal business, which is taking a lot of time to set up, so I’ve been learning patience with this whole process.
On top of that, my husband and I are getting older and even though I wanted to have kids in the past, I didn’t feel like I was much in a hurry while my husband is. My husband took the actions to help us buy our first home and we’ve dealt with a few small mishaps along the way with that. Then I finally decided it’s ok if I were to have a child so we are now expecting one in April.
I’ve learned that the 10th house is not just about career, it’s about your legacy too, and my husband has so many natal Aquarius placements that my future career and what I’m known for is going to be about what we build together.
It’s been a tough, but also very rewarding ride.
I’m super curious about how Saturn in Pisces is going to play out while I’m a new mom.
Chris, have you seen Avatar 2? I think you’d really enjoy it.
I’m also finishing up my first Saturn return in my 7th.. literally feel the weight being almost lifted and the sense of finally breaking free although the positive 7th house themes have not materialised yet 🫠
I needed to hear this… it is 16 Feb and I literally have had the inspector out to my house for a pool fence certificate and each time I fix the things he comes back and adds more on….Precise prediction fellas hahah 😊
Really appreciate Bear being on and sharing the significant details of what is being unearthed. IMO we can’t be talking about USA’s chart without acknowledging what’s actually been happening and what more can happen. Really appreciated what was brought up here! As an Indigenous person I think about relevant current events in regards to the transits all the time and don’t hear them voiced or acknowledged by Astrologers. Thanks Chris and Austin too for engaging with Bear on what was brought up and all that you do ❤
Bear is dope. He can relate in ways that resonated while having my clairvoyance nature flow and letting my intuition techniques play out.
But all in all you guys are all very professional and well educated.
I had to sub since as a Pisces sun sign will be looking forward to the next episode. Peace out ✌️
Democracy Now has the best daily 10-minute news headline broadcast on YouTube.
Awesome content as always – thank you for all your hard work!
The 'remember Winter' moment was very chilling, no pun intended.
We have a new public holiday here in Ireland at the start of February for St Brigid's day you are welcome to join in!
And I love that Christmas Tree!!! Fantastic!
Jen Zahrt's library is in Washington, not Oregon 🙂
53:34 Making art is a challenge just as much as writing in school.
hi Chris and Team! 😃👋. just gotta say how thankful I am that you have the chapter marks on your videos 💖, if I may ask one added thing, if you can also add the date of when the transit will happen on the way you title the chapters? 🙋🏻♀️ sometimes it's listed but oftentimes it doesn't (it just lists the transit), so would super appreciate adding those dates as well 🙏. thanks! 🤗
In the March forecast, can you talk about the big earthquake that took place on the 6th of February and killed more than 20 thousand Turkish people? How did it correlate with February planetary movements? It happened right after the full moon.
It ALL changes now… This is our 777reincarnation. That which is FATED and written about for millions of years. Is happen. I won't go too deep. It has to go with Egoic (left) minded and Spiritual (Right) minded thinkers are recognized bas d in their Conscious level in their transcendence. It's VERY, Very different thus time! Hang on shits about to turn around! Expect the unexpected…if you truly knew. It will be like your living In the 3d hologram it is…only it 5dimensiinal now… Research how the Earth's Magnetics field has changed because it has Ascended. The Earth's Energy, frequency and vibration GAVE Changed and will continue to changed and PSYCHOLOGICALly… OMG…you can n for an Adventure….WE ALL Are…hang on, dears…I've been talking about this time for years. The rest I held back…since we are on the precipice now…this is going to be fun… The Great Divide, parting if the Sea, Where the Last become first and the FIRST become last… seriously… Perceptions…take a step back ..how do you see it???? Much Love and Light (hint in 👈))) illimunaries vs darkness, love or war now? Passion or Fury? What do you see today? Vegas and Venus?;)… K…thanks for your Perceptions and Opinion ..on my 3 Saturn return! What A Story there….k…much love…how your dreams? Ears ringing?
I really would like to see more of Bear's perspective on astrology. It's refreshing to hear an indigenous, POC view as it adds to the rich discussions on astrology. Well done!
This has been a great combo, you three! Akin to the days of Kelly S. Hope to see this trio more in future.
Thanks so much for this great and inspiring content!
I’m late to this and only 40min in but this chat has been so on pointe
Haha I love Chris “I mean, I had a lot of stuff I don’t wanna get into it, but it was a Saturn return” after the panelist bared their souls at his requests 😂
Perhaps James Cameron is today’s Maurice White. It’s been said that Earth, Wind and Fire 🔥 only released Albums during certain transits and that the charts of band members were also considered. Can anyone speak 🗣️ on this? Great convo. I’m here for it.
Such a great podcast! Enjoyed the Intel in Histrology and alternate chart of the US.
Thanks guys for a great forecast as always!
Where Miley saw great success in her 10th house Saturn return, mine was less of a career success 😅. I have Saturn conjunct my mid heaven in early Aquarius. I now been through 4 jobs since the transit started and was fired for the first time, ever in March of 2022 which totally busted me wide open. Once the Taurus/ Scorpio eclipses started things just got more intense and felt like nothing was working. Then in July I got a job that seemed like it was finally what I was looking for and that went well for the first few month until the oct/nov eclipses shook things up again. At the end of December, I finally submitted my resignation to stay home with my son and focus on my art business. Though it wasn’t wildly successful, I really learned a lot about myself and how I work and understand my energy levels far better now. I always kind of knew I wasn’t build for the 9-5 world but now I finally accept that and am figuring out what my new rhythm is. I also became a mom during this transit so success in other areas of life. I will be happy when this eclipse cycle is officially done though, 1st & 7th changes are rough
Wow the election chart of the month I recognize. I was talking to an astrologer about this date and time. I am a Cancer rising and I have a huge meeting at work. They have been data testing a computer program to do my job. They say they aren’t laying anyone off but our jobs will change. On this day the sun will be conjoined my MC in Pisces making a degree based trine to my natal Saturn in the 1st in Cancer. It actually looks really promising against my chart my fingers are crossed. 🤞💸
Would love that pole of Saturn return. It stations exact for me on 26. of Feb.
really enjoyed this episode and excited to learn more about bear’s work as an indigenous person who’s a big fan of your show it meant a lot to be introduced to an indigenous astrologe
I also messed up my shoulder doing presses and working out during this Mars retrograde wtf ahah