Australian Teen Faces TWO YEARS In Prison For Violating Lockdown Mandates

Australian Teen Faces TWO YEARS In Prison For Violating Lockdown Mandates

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Tim, Luke, and Lydia join self-help speaker and dating coach Owen Cook to sound the alarm about the Australian teen facing two years in prison for breaking Covid rules.

Guest: Owen Cook
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Tim @Timcast (everywhere)
Ian @IanCrossland (everywhere)
Luke @WeAreChange (YouTube) @LukeWeAreChange (Twitter)
Lydia @SourPatchLyds (Twitter, Minds), @RealSourPatchLyds (Gab, Instagram)

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Tim @Timcast (everywhere)
Ian @IanCrossland (everywhere)
Luke @WeAreChange (YouTube) @LukeWeAreChange (Twitter)
Lydia @SourPatchLyds (Twitter, Minds), @RealSourPatchLyds (Gab, Instagram)

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  1. Wait a minute I'm pretty sure that the actual story is that the kid went to get tested as he was identified is a close contact but was Asymptomatic and then proceeded to go to the nightclub with results pending . While he was there he was allegedly sent a text message saying that he had a positive result however it has not been confirmed whether he received the text message . Also to my knowledge this incident resulted in zero transmission of covid-19

  2. If you don't comply with self-imposed prison, we will put you in government-imposed prison. You asked for that, Australians. As for us Americans, we should consider ourselves put on notice.

  3. Wow I visited Australia many years go when I was in the US Navy. I loved it and everyone on board my ship seemed to love it. However at this point seeing all the bad things they are doing to people I would never want to go back there for any reason.

  4. How can you tell people to get off Patreon when you stay on YouTube and self-censor in order to maintain access?

  5. That is the best analogy I have heard on any of Tim's. Tim Mr worst analogies ever I hope you are listening and learning right now

  6. Tim.

    In recent months I've seen a twist on your presentation. It troubles me. I have been a subscriber for a couple years or so, a loose follower before that. Now, many of your videos come across with a headline, which you spend 30-60 seconds on, and 12-18 minutes on other "loosely related" subjects or run down a rabbit hole of "seemingly unrelated topics"

    Did someone put you in a crash course on clickbaiting techniques, or is this your actual approach?

    I spend a lot of time watching legal brief, legal review, and legal insight streams and videos. Some of those streamers and content providers speak well of you. I would hate to see you go the way of the dodo, because you're suddenly "click bait" rather than actual relevant content.

    Maybe its my perspective that has changed. But I would ask you to look at your content from 16 months ago, 11 months ago, 6 months ago and today. Objectively, and judge whether there has been a change in your titles or "headlines" vs the content of the video. I understand a streamed conversation can go places you don't anticipate, but when you post a snippet, you choose the description.

    I do not ask this lightly. And u do understand this mat be my own viewpoint issue. But out of respect for the appreciation I developed of your channel, I am concerned.

  7. YouTube took down my video because it criticised policing in Victoria, Australia.
    When I say criticised, I mean that it referred to a video anyone could see for themselves and verify, in which a woman’s house was being raided and her online devices confiscated for organising a public meeting via Facebook.

    YouTube bans content that “questions the efficacy “ of healthcare authorities.
    Not funny.

  8. Antifa was never involved in any riots. They were involved w/ fiery but mostly peaceful protests according to CNN aka Chinese News Network.

  9. Not sure why anyone should sacrifice their lives for anyone here but I guess we OLD PEOPLE are worthless. Darned old people clubbers LoL
    I’m an old people and in no way think ANYONE should be jailed or fined for being sick .

  10. Many new year parties even private ones mandated that Vax Certs were sent prior to the party and covid testing was completed within 2 days of the party. I wonder what the main topic of conversation was? I had all the correct paperwork so I was ok and no one seem to care that i took my brand new sports coat laden with wires and explosives and my new plutonium 84 wrist watch.

  11. Not just the old Tim. Great beanie by the way. The majority of people who watch the mainstream media regardless of political beliefs have been totally indoctrinated into the Covid way of life. The days of “we are Australians and we do things the Ausie way” are no longer.

  12. This is what happens when you surrender your Firearms to a Government…the Gov turns 110% Tyrannical. Just look at the US Gov at the moment…they're tyrannical even with us being ARMED…now Imagine how bad things would be if we weren't. Just Imagine, and then multiple it by 10 because that's how bad these fruitcakes would get.

  13. Tim and the boys sitting in the basement talking shit about shit No real news. All” I read this somewhere “ so it must be true. Not one of you are an adult. You’re a bunch of little boys going through puberty.

  14. Nope, this is 100% normal, that shit has a deadly illness (low rate, but still, not a flu, it is actually deadly) and he deliberately went to spread it after he knew he was ill and can spread it. Australia has many stupid act in this, but this is not one of those. Every country (except california) has serious punishment for deliberate spreading of any illness, especially the more dangerous ones.

  15. Boomer here. I'm bloody disgusted with the attitude of my fellow boomers–the ones who want to shut down the economy so they can be 'safe.' They spent their youth, drinking, smoking, and drugging and now they're immune compromised. Tough. Let our younger generations enjoy the world and if you're immune compromised STAY AT HOME.

  16. He wasn't sick because he felt fine to go to a nightclub .. Plandemic fascism seems to rule and we must stop it worldwide .. Freedom now !

  17. Yeah it was a Dick move and guess what the majority of the public in Australia are totally for this but he won't get 2 years in Jail this is just click Bait Bullshit .

  18. So much opportunity for us in Australia who are vaccinated. All the antivaccers are losing their jobs and heaps of us are moving up quickly. Thanks team

  19. There was a day that Australia was on my bucket list to visit. With their authoritarian rule I would be scared to visit there even after this pandemic is over. Plenty of other beautiful places on this planet.

  20. That kid should go on a sta**ing spree after they finally let him out just to get even with that mentaly sick society.

  21. A people under tyrannical control must organize their efforts against their true enemy and not waste efforts on the lackeys who carry out their whims.

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