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Bert Parks sings Let ‘Em In during the 1976 Miss America telecast with male background dancers. This is the only “singing” performance that I find funnier than William Shatner’s Rocket Man or Taxi…(read more at source)
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Musically, the 70's was a great decade for music. However, at times, the music could be cruel. This song, by McCartney, was cruel and outright painful. Thank you, Bert Parks, for making it a little less so.
I was 9 when I saw this the first time. Even then I experienced serious secondhand shame.
Its been 3 years since I watched this. Somehow it's gotten worse!😄
I can't remember where I put my glasses but I sure do remember this! It was the funniest thing! Never have I laughed so hard yet felt so embarrassed for someone simultaneously!
It’s hard to believe this is not a send up. It’s like something out of Mel Brook’s The Producers.
I peed myself
The more I watch it the more I laugh!
Simply Bizarre.
Terrible cover version. Yikes!
Just read about this via Wikipedia and had to verify that it’s true. It is. And I’m speechless.
Love the spontaneous applause- a sign of an audience desperate for ANY entertainment and willing to settle for whatever!!
This video contains images which are disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.
Michael Jackson use some of his steps?
Please, no. Make it stop…
This is Cringeworthy.
What the….? Bert; but especially the graceful body dips by the 3 background guys @ around 0:30 – no words.
I wish I could go back to this time, when television was actually worth watching! I’ll take 3 channels in 1976 over 1000 channels today.
Almost as good as his rendition of Dylan's Maggie's Farm in the movie, The Freshman
Ok I have been watching this for a week after discovering it. The choreography and the amazing vocal talent is too much to pass up. Especially the “Oooooh Yeah” part.
Paul rolling his eyes.
There's cheesy, and then there's this. 😂
I'm not sure that I believe what I just saw and heard.
Could Paul have sued for defamation ? 🤮
God, he's repulsive.
The funniest thing about this is it wasn’t intended to be comedy- this was choreographed and produced as a straight-up performance of the song. That’s the 70s for you
To this date, I still wonder why his cover version wasn't a bigger hit than it was.
Also the late Billy Paul did the soul version of that song!!
Saw the late Bert Parks in an episode of "The Bionic Woman" playing a mean man!!
the Amos&Andy voice is what sells it
It think "bizarre" is the right word here.
Not funny at all i.m.o.
That was excruciatingly painful … What's wrong with him?
Es muy divertida esta versión
Oh my god. This has soiled 1976 for me…
in 2022