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00:00 – 01:17 Intro
01:17 – 01:43 Types of Resumes
01:43 – 02:59 Hostinger Partnership!
02:59 – 04:56 How to Use the Free Templates
04:46 – 10:00 Resume Tips
10:00 – 10:45 Bye Friend!..(read more at source)
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Heeeeey friend don't jump me 😭 these videos are coming out out of order, but I'll explain tomorrow! Also I'll go on live this Friday at 1pm PST to review resumes! But please enjoy the free template I created for you, and if you're interested in creating a portfolio, check out the link in the description!
Just discovered your channel a few days ago and it's great to know that you're still actively posting. I learned a lot. Thanks!
Thank you for your tips! Do you have or could you by chance make an updated video on what must be in a boot camp as well as what programs Java etc that you should be familiar with to become a Software Engineer. Also, any guidance for high schoolers (my daughter) and what they MUST have and can start adding on as a Junior 🤪 that was a bit much sorry lol
Hi!, Does having long nails doesn't make coding much difficult while typing?
I play the guitar and I'd like to know this, thank you.
What are you? You’re not Afro American. You’re gorgeous. I’m just trying find out which countries to travel to lol
I love the anime intros. So nice to see successful weebs out there 🤍
Bruh did you catch bleach thousand yr blood war tho? Like where the f u been? Lol
Also the final season of shingeki we’ve crazy for the first half. 🙏🏽
For the record, also quality 👍
I learned to program because I don't want to have to work for anyone else ever again.
I am 25 and still searching for an entry position, so I feel like I am a bit late. I also hear there is a lot of ageism in the IT workspace which doesn't sound too great.
btw I like those anime references!
How do I contact you?
I'm glad to see you here again with new content. I have been waiting for so long 🤣
She's back!! After I just discovered her channel TODAY she finally uploads after months! 😳🤩🎉🎉
I don't see talked about how many software engineers have to apply for 100s of jobs and do so many interviews just for a chance at a job. I myself have applied to over 300 before without offers. with 10+ years experience. it's exhausting
The intro 😂
how did you learn?
YESSSS welcome back friend! We missed you! I hope all is been well
You're the best, I value your input so much as I'm starting my tech journey. Hope you're having a lovely day!
I just subscribed couple days ago then I saw that you haven’t made a video in almost a year, so I was thinking this channel is dead lol
but I was wrong.
Welcome back welcome back welcome back in my mase voice. Lol
Omg you’re back!! 😊
Thank you for this it really helps. A live or any other helpful tips that you can provide regarding software development, roles or insider tech knowledge would be useful if you have the time.🤗side note: you look gorgeous and yes pageant queen🥰
use my resume as a talking point….
you don't post enough on anything lol lol i said what i said…!!! lol
I just subbed like a week ago, glad to see a new video 🤝🏾
Your content is always so helpful. It is so amazing to see you back with this video. Thank you for everything!
Welcome back!
Queen is back and better than ever
It’s crazy because I just watched your latest video wondering where you’ve been and then you upload. Perfect timing 👌🏾
I’m getting ready to start my tech journey I’m 21 and thinking about boot camps and wanna be an swe I literally love your videos and I’ve been sharing with my mom and not she’s on board as well love your representation as well beautiful and great & concise content never watched a video and left unsatisfied‼️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Just in time with the Google layoffs
Missed your videos friend , happy you're back 😊!!
The legend is back , thanks we missed your content. You were like the Beyonce of tech on leave. Fans from Poole England
Yes she is back
I'm soooo happy you're back!!
She’s backkkkkkkkkkk