BEST Way to FARM in Sunset Island! Create Your Own Custom PAGEANT Themes!

BEST Way to FARM in Sunset Island! Create Your Own Custom PAGEANT Themes!

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Welcome back! Not me getting away with uploading two farming videos this week. We create some custom themes today and then compete in the pageant with them against subscribers!! Hope you enjoy the video!
#RoyaleHigh #Farming #SunsetIslandPageant
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Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

All Music from Kevin Macleod at & Youtube Music Library..(read more at source)

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See also  #fit #fitness #diet #wellness #bikini #shorts

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. I know this video is from two months ago, but under what fabric section is the mushroom pattern under? I swear I've looked everywhere lol. I cant find it and I want to dress up like a mushroom (I wont copy or try to claim to be you dont worry)

  2. How/where do you het the mushroom hat? I keep seeing people with it but idk how to get it

  3. I started to watch u then I realized I used to watch u before- but I stopped bc I wasn't aloud in YouTube and I wasn't signed in so I couldn't sub. 🙁 but at least I can watch u now! btw love your accent <3

  4. How I got 100k in a week

    • Do the fountain

    •Do the wheel

    •Computer Login/Sleep

    •Go to sunset island and actually do the theme. Try to get 10k in the server. After you get 10k go back to your apartment and sleep, you should also be able to go to the fountain.

    •Then go to another server on sunset island and repeat the process.

    By the time you’ve been to 10 different servers, you should have 100k :>

    (I also have the cheapest diamond multiplier)

  5. I saw Dream and speedran into the video 🏃‍♀️💨
    Also, you seem very fun to play with 😀

  6. kind of clickbait not gonna lie… it implies in the title you can use your own themes…

  7. Hi! I really love your content, please answer this question: Can you get banned in sunset island when you’re AFK farming, but not using autoclicker, and you move once in the 19 minutes or something?

  8. Itslimey: makes a dream costums
    The whole dream smp fandom that plays royal high: I HAVE BEEN SUMMONED

  9. George:DREAM Dream:GOERGE. Sapnap:DREAM. Sapnap:sapnap :-: Edit. Wilbur and techno also Tommy: this is great and eats popcorn

  10. or get other acc on tablet, mobile and laptop/computer + your friends to vote you every round

  11. The reason this was on my fyp

    Not cause i am subsribed
    not cause i watch roblox
    not cause i like rh

    bEcAuSe I wAtCh MiNeCrAfT!!

  12. This idea is literally genius but the thing is that some people gets toooooooo toxic they will start attacking you :<

  13. dream




    tommy child
    tommy child
    tommy child

    Tubbo tubbo

    Badboyhalo: LANGUANGE


    Oof I got tired
    Idc if i miss some memebers cuz there wayy to many
    ; – ;

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