Biden Corruption, Media Lies

Biden Corruption, Media Lies

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  1. Iā€™ve been told- many times by different people- that I could and would lose myself in a paper bag. Although I cannot officially confirm this to be true, it likely is and I have developed selective amnesia regarding such incidents.

  2. Biden is a reprobate liar and thief , the only thing that upsets me is it will take free taxpayer dirt to bury his worthless body , poster child for term limits , and one term only

  3. Too many blocks. I keep saying it… Klavan deserves at LEAST the numbers Knowles pulls. Everybody tell your family about how great this guy is.

  4. Maybe Joe told the truth for the first time in his life when he said Hunter is the smartest man he knows?I mean millions of dollars flowed into the Biden family and apparently they will get away with this corruption?Maybe Hunter is smart enough to do all of this and get no punishment,meanwhile regular Americans barely get to take home their take home pay without the government getting their taste.

  5. The core of the matter needs to be spoken of, without worldly phrases, and pointed words of vanity, whether phrases and words of legalism or formalism. The core of the matter is sin, and for at least the last six years sin has done all it can to over-rule righteousness, so that it may at every turn prevail over righteousness, for the purpose that sin by all means continues to advance, and so it has even done as it wants to. In Two Thousand and Twenty it prevailed and advanced over righteousness: many have said that sin achieved its victory then by unfairness; yes of course it did, because that is what sin does, and is very dishonest and perverse. Again in Two Thousand and Twenty Two nothing of any substance changed for righteousness sake, rather sin just continued advancing and expanding itself, rejoicing in its shame. How, we may ask, does sin keep advancing without interruption? because sin is selfish, and exceeding dishonest, and perverse; and sin will do any thing it must to step on righteousness, that righteousness be not heard: contrariwise, righteousness is unselfish, and honest, and cannot twist what is right for any cause. So all that remains is how the people like to have society be, with what standard of morality it prefers; either sin as its morality, or righteousness as its morality.

  6. I also am well educated and yet am a very slow reader AND have no sense of direction. I go into a store in a mall and when I come out I will head back down the mall in the direction I just came, from thinking I'm heading on to new stores. Then I will see something I recognize and realize I have been retracing my steps. šŸ˜‘ I don't believe it's dyslexia related. I read long ago what they think causes no sense of direction, but also like you, I have a terrible memory about what I read, so I forget what the reason is!

  7. There has been one crisis after another since the very beginning of the Biden administration. Now evidence is mounting that the Biden family is receiving $Millions from China. Curiously all we hear about is Biden's low poll numbers. I submit that the nation is light years beyond caring about his low poll numbers.

  8. The slow reading and lack of sense of direction you described is very similar to my experience. I originally thought I had dyslexia, but after an assessment, they said I have ā€œsluggish cognitive tempo.ā€ So, basically, Iā€™m just slow.

  9. This country is officially over. All major media outlets refuse to cover the biggest whitehouse scandal ever because it's cutting against someone with a "D" next to his name. Who cares if the truth comes out if nobody has the courage to actually report it? We're DONE!

  10. Let's not forget that those proud boys had more than 45 confidential human resorce actors within there their circles.. EVEN after being charged – and possibly during the first post of the trial!!
    Completely unethical. šŸ¤”

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