Bio male wins local Miss America pageant

Bio male wins local Miss America pageant

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In Episode No. 40 of Miss Understood, Nat and Kat offer their take on Brian Nguyen, a trans woman, and winner of the Miss Greater Derry ‘beauty’ pageant in New Hampshire, and the unfairness of lowering standards for someone based on their perceived oppression points.

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See also  Teenage Transgender Wins Local MISS AMERICA pageant!

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. What a f**king insult to women everywhere that this imposter thinks he can be a woman by donning a dress, high heels and growing long hair. It seems to me women have a bit more going for them than their outward appearance or even their biological function as females whether or not they use that function to give birth…not that men do not appreciate a well turned out gal and visa versa. Drag queens are not trans gender but are expressing a kink wherein some men like to dress up in an over the top display as sexually provocative women, take it or leave it as you may. I'll pass myself. If this 'winner' has a prostate or has or had a penis then his sex is male despite whatever his mental state is…and accordingly should be using the men's toilet facilities and not entering a women's contest. Perhaps a trans beauty contest? Sex being considered more of an identifier for documentation than a chosen gender.

  2. Talk about sending the WRONG message. You two are right. This is ignorance wrapped in stupidity. No woman that fat and ugly would be allowed in the pageant.
    Sorry if I offend anyone but my "coddle the stupid" circuit was removed when I was a child.

  3. Love how women can't define what a women is. Yet you fight for equality, "F the patriarchy" but then you turn around and ALLOW a fat dude beat you at being beautiful. This is why nobody takes you seriously. You're all over the place.

  4. Let that culture of beauty pageants be fully taken by those who think it's valuable in any way to be judged by random people and say how beautiful women are compared to others… Beauty queendoms are for those wanting to play those strange games. I was happy to see him win! All women should stop aspiring to be "the most beautiful one" and let those aspiring to be a woman compete. It's actually starting to be fun to see their endless interpretations of the idea of what it is to be a woman. They are just expressing their ideas… Let them express their ideas, let's watch and, with joyful laughter, let's fully wake up from that patriarcal stupid idea of those already cartoonish pageants being of any value. We had already the pain, as women, of running after those beauty standards in the hope we would finally be "good enough". I celebrate this "surprising turn of events" 😂

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