Blood Bowl 2 Playoff: Are Warhammer Board Games Balanced?

Blood Bowl 2 Playoff: Are Warhammer Board Games Balanced?

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Blood Bowl is a Warhammer Games Workshop fantasy take on American football (NFL). It is set in the Warhammer universe and is played by Orcs, Elves, Goblins, Humans and all manner of Chaos factions. I am AndyDavo and have been playing the game for over 10 years. Please sit back and enjoy my take on Blood Bowl 2.
I have been examining the relative effectiveness of different builds within Champion Ladder and this run We’re going to try a full combat build, then see how it stacks up against a full control build.

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Blood Bowl 2 smashes Warhammer and American football together, in an explosive cocktail of turn-based strategy, humour and brutality, adapted from Games Workshop’s famous board game.

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  1. I just feel like the attempted hand off at turn 13 or so was just disrespectful towards Andy. With what? 3+ 3+ 3+ but THREE rerolls to make it, the opponent didn't even respect the possible danger and just got lucky in the end.

  2. Duderino is occasionally a chuckle, but I want to hear about bloodbowl, from an accomplished player, Hellboy. Hellboy should lead and duderino add to it but do not detract from the analysis. ❤️

  3. Are Warhammer Board Games Balanced?
    No, of course they aren't.
    When the best warrior of the galaxy has 1 in 6 chances to miss the large side of a barn from 10ft away, how can you even think they are?

  4. Right around the time the video hit 1 hour it became really painful to watch this one. Almost pulled the rabbit out of the proverbial hat though. And on a side-note, would have loved to hear your thoughts throughout some of the match, but you were really expressive when it came to some of those bad rolls, so at least we got that

  5. Was a rough matchup, but the KO rolls didn't do you any favors.
    Would've gone for the 4+ 3+ dodge with the runner, rather that blitzing uphill in the "wrong" direction my self. But then I would never have spotted the LB play to go there in the first place 😂 amazing play with the hand your were dealth 👍

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