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Fox is dead
I like quite a few of the people who work on Fox’s.
So smart and beautiful
I pretty much had cut out most all television. I didn’t like the providers, the producers or the messaging. Fox was my sole TV outlet for news. I no longer regularly watch and I am considering canceling cable period. Fox sold out, it’s over for me.
You are so beautiful and smart. GOD BLESS YOU
Jesse is good but are his lips sealed because he could be next?
And Tucker is still giving the truths and for free.
Of course its a flop.
Take unbais and truth out of news away and people dont trust or return fir what your selling.
I no longer watch Fox after O'Reilly and Carlson were fired
It’s not Jesse Waters it’s Fox. Jesse Waters has a great edge any I love the way he presents his information and he’s really good. He’s one of my favorite but people are turned out from Fox News. They’re turned off you could put Jesus Christ up there and they won’t be watching Fox because Fox turned on their viewers. They forgot who their viewers were there like Bud Light
Well, I love Jesse Watters once they got rid of Tucker Carlson I quit watching Fox and they also got rid of Dan Bogino so they lost me forever. I don’t care who they put in there. I’m not interested in Fox anymore. They show their true colors I watch them because they were the conservative in the closest to the truth and now I just put them in with everybody else.
i stopped watching Tucker because he was on FOX.. glad he's gone but those Remainers need to bounce.
fox has been liberal for years.. they been pushing TIK TOK paid ads while burying leads about senators trying to get rid of TikTOK..
We are quietly protesting ,we want tucker back ,so we stopped watching
Fox betrayed their own viewers . Loyalty is a very important component and once one screws with that in life there is no coming back . Murdochs are left overs! Like all the other networks.
I don't watch Fox anymore, if I did Jesse Watters is to goofy for me. Love your outlook on all of it and your programing,
Fox is the new Bud Light.
Amazing information. Love your shows.
Fox News switch to a digital format has forever damaged their brand. That with their anti-Trump bias is an insult to conservatives everywhere. Eric Murdock is not the smartest bulb in the bunch, by a long shot! I want 24 hour news and conservative political insight, not a biased or tolerant (democrat) point of view.
It is game over.
The only show I watched was Tucker. Haven't tuned to Fox since then. Plus the dresses are way too long now. No longer legs bews
I miss your legs🥰
By by fox, and they will never get their ratings back
I like Jessie just as much as I like Carlson the reason I stopped watching fox cuz I'm tired of all the s*** bulshit changes they have been pulling and acting like Democrats
Micro media is taking over. The truth must be presented, not hidden.
Maybe you should not give some karen wife a podium.
Broke woke Fox ocassionally up to Laura Ingraham or winy Hannity! Don't watch other then snips of them!
Fox has gone woke. Especially Hannity, Ainsley and Peter.
You know the saying….
Beautiful and smart Trish!
Fox has made the biggest media error in history
Fox does not understand that people DO NOT WANT THE UKRAINE WAR. PERIOD.
That's why they like Tucker Carlson. Because he is questioning the war.
And now people leave Fox. Also, people are ANGRY at Fox, because Fox does not bring the Donald Trump speeches at campaign rallies..
Thrish, its that nobody can trust any on-air personality anymore on Faux.
Tucker was the main draw — Fox needs to hire someone like Don Jr to get some of their viewers back. Karl Rove and Cavuto need to be shown the door. Too many luke warm RINOs over at Fox.
Trish, thanks for the insight at Fox.
FOX has become a Liberal hive. They now have an anti-Trump agenda and an anti-patriot American agenda. May the fall far and fast.
Hope they they will have to give it away ABC.🙏🇺🇸🗽
Gutfeld is very crass, and I don't think he is funny. I want to laugh not get grossed out. Jesse Watters is rather arrogant, and the guy doesn't like animals? sorry, but that is weird! These people are always taking days off or go on vacations and they don't get that this station is tanking, and I don't understand how management allows that. I watch The Five, but between Jesse and Gutfeld, they laugh off things a lot and its annoying. There is some serious news, and they don't take it seriously. For example, Glenn Beck was talking about how dangerous AI is. However, on The Five, they were laughing off the subject they were saying well! robots are dumb! and uh? they are not humans! They don't realize how incredibly serious this is. The only things I watch on Fox are Hannity, sometimes Luara, and The Five. One of the problems is they report the same information on each show, so if you heard some information on one show, you are going to hear the same information, two shows later who repeat the same things.
Miss you Trish. You got out at the right time. Fox is a joke. You look much happier.
It might be very wise to apologize to TUCKER and Per pair for the RETURN OF. PRESIDENT TRUMP Because ITS HAPPENING so let THE BIDENS BURN that might save the FBI GUYS
FMC shot itself in the foot when they let Tucker go. I haven't watched FNC since.
Seems like they have a line up with hosts that have the same tone and basically the same message. Tucker could at least get you to laugh at the insanity of things. Gutfield might fill some of that loss but again his tone to me is a bit bitter. He would be fine but after 3 to 4 hrs of the others who needs a rerun of that ! You could watch MSNBC, CNN or others if you just want to see different faces go over the messaging with minimal gravitas.
No one is watching fox anymore!! They are being Bud lighted!!
You are the most beautiful woman on YouTube.
They should have kept Jesse Watters at 7pm and moved Laura Ingraham to 8pm. As you stated, you need someone with a bit more “intellect “ at the 8pm hour, plus she’s a better lead in to Sean Hannity.
Personally, I think Laura needs to move up to Prime time, Jesse dont got it! Tbh, I only gave him 3 nights and his delivery on primetime lacks something. Hard to take him too seriously.
I peeked at the 8pm show at Fox recently. It was silly and bordering on ridiculous. The 10 pm show was embarrassing and tired.