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I sadly left it a bit late in the day, but here is my walkaround video from the Bromley Pageant of Motoring 2019, held at Norman Park, Bromley. Also a chance to test my new camera stabiliser. Still much to learn. Contains many errors, as I was very tired… But, the report does contain a Toyota Crown Coupe, Datsun Laurel 200L, Fairthorpe Electron Minor and the HubNut stand!
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As Hub nut utters “Pantograph wiper” you can almost hear him smiling 😊 excellent video. Wonderful cars. Thank you.
My late DAD and he's mates drove all the way to Turkey back in the 1960s in a Ford ANGLIA
1:13 I see my dads car. Shame the worlds gone crazy and this year was cancelled.
Wish you had lingered more over some of those motors
The Chrysler PT Cruiser is classified as a Truck in the US as they needed to meet average M.P.G. limits set by the government for their trucks.
Thank you for showing me the wonderful automobiles of the Bromley Motoring Pageant. At 12:25 "The Big Fifities Ford" was a 1949 model, with revolutionary styling. It debuted in the autumn of 1948.
I used to like you Ian, not so much now you have slagged off Triumph Stag and SAAB. My mother died in a road traffic accident and I was hospitalised for nine weeks in a Renault 4, not my favourite car.
Rover 2600 is exciting very exciting
Classic when the man said I used to have a 1600e only to hear you repeat it . Ian you covered the best cars maybe next year for the fords.keep the fantastic videos coming 👍
Lets be honest, fords are a bit rubbish aren't they
I've got the Honda Acty van
its the hubnut rover 45! with boot or they had boots i'm thinking of the 25 or the later known city were all they did was replace the front rear and side blue or colour coded parts to black plastic,
lovely allegro right no need to watch or comment any more as allegro seen i'm happy,
cor renualt 11 and a 12/14 nope 19 next to it loving the colours hubnut your have to go on ebay more though make sure you are logged out as a bid might end up being a winning one,
oh double BL action a princess very nice
used to have a renault 19 down a few doors from us sadly the olf boy that drove it his eyes or legs gave up so it went away it was starting to rust on the rear arch too,
the stuff just keeps comming, like the project car, if they want a project car they should come around my way, quite tempted by a mg zf that is the rover 25 in blue with the chequred flay silver decals on the car and black n yellow seats that is quite liaty festering in i think an anbanded house but ther is a light on in it but its very over grown,
hmmm nice maetro, saw one on its way to banger track at a carboot =( only need two new doors and some light repair here n there kinda sad, but it was made up for by ther being a lovely a55 pick up,
its like a matchbox model come to life! cor i bet ozzy man marty matchbox make overs would love to see that and buy something in bad shape and restore it that condition!
some of them do look like that but not all the time i think restored they look better after al these were used a lot so they wore out or were scrapped, you see tractors like that but not big trucks,
oh very nice badge mk2 cortina no mk3's?
onto the vuxhalls', nice mk3 cavalers, which reminds me hubnut if your after one there has been an ex taxi one sitting at a local garage of mine for a while, used to be a tax right up until i think 2009 ish maybe 2014 ish then it was no longer and has been there for a while no idea if its for sale or awaiting repairs,
she had 8 of them another owner of one around my way (over drive gte none the less converted from an auto) said they were all destroyed boo hoo! so we'll never see one other then in pictures,
og one happy hub nut as he's seen a car with a panagrath wiiper! one more to tick off the hub nut bingo card, along wiith i hate morden cars, and getting confused about certain cars makes types or models,
uuugh we learn something new about hubnut wanting to lick certain cars hmm might have to add a hub nut "licked by the man himself" sticker, though i think the classic "no licking" is better,
oh no its still here and for sale oooh 5 grand ouch just slightly out of hubnuts price range oh well maybe if you ask nicely the owner will let you lick it,
lovely shurpa camper and a toyota land cruser like the donkey that hammond rolled over in that top gear ep,
no that is still a car i dislike the pr cruiser its just too ugly i know and i'm the one tht like allegro's but its just you know too fuguly the sporter verson i'd forgotten about them! but there much better,
HAY THERE'S MY KINDA CLASSIC! A WHEEL BARROW! just like my cortina well its older but in better shape hmm really must get round to giving her a a dent knocking and paint,
wow not one not two but three hillman avangers! the last cars to be made by the remains of the cars company's such as singer, wollsely, humber and hillman, WOW EVEN RARE TWO ESATES!
AND MORE BL GREATNESS IN THE FORM OF A MARINA! the mk2 or maybe mk3 as its not got the wing front end which was the mk1 the mk2' having the plastic part on the front i saw it in a hyanns manual,
oh nice old ford zoddy.zephar and a mk1 granda very nice bet its an auto,
a saab on a 60 plate but saab is sadly no longer with us shame as they were big cars, friend of mine teacher helper had one fitting a whole pool table top in it lovely cars, no idea if he kept it as he was thinking of selling it rather then storing it only when fuel prices went up he had to stop using it as well 2.8 or 4.0 or very thrusty cars,
oh toyota crown coupe! very rare car hell even the ones that ended up on the banger tracks the guys in BLITZ! mag (screw you wasted mag your crap) said they were rare most of those were the normal one of sadly the esate verson ooh seeing the cars they had and knowing they were still good but sigh those were the times,
the rare stuff really is in other places! a renualt 15! i've not seen one of those on here! lovely, another car off the bucket list to see on here,
hmm maybe one day i'll be able to go to one, but first i need to get a car, linance? pfft don't need one of those! got an out of date fork lift liance that counts, besides an auto car is much better you can just put it into D and crooze along while some music from the tape player plays to ease the mood, but until then i'll have to stick with cortina the wheelbarrow
PT Cruiser, ugliest car ever, has made it here!
Woo Hoo – we crashed the HubNut video – thats us with our 2005 V8 Cocker Spaniel in the Brown Exterior! LOL!
I always knew the hideous mk6 escort's back end looked like an animals bottom but could never quite put my finger on which one. A baboons', thanks Hubnut !
I wanted to go to this event but I was just too I'll. Such a shame when I live in London.🙃
I only liked the Hub nut stand here on this video…
Yet again, fantastic coverage. Thank you.
Boooo! You skipped past the VW's 😝
realy first class videos well done ian, pro presentation thanks for your talent on you tube keep up the good work, hope you dont mind me saying.
So many motors to comment on, so little space-time.
The Princess (a 2200 HLS perhaps?) is nice to see, but not my cup of lap-sang suchong. So I'd have:
any Mk3 Capri with the (Cologne?) 2.8 Injection;
the Scammell (I think it's a Highwayman) with the Leyland 0.680;
the ERF LV with Gardner 180;
the 1100/1300 Countryman (they made them with genuine plastic fake wood trim down the sides);
any Rover P6B (or P5B come to that);
a Triumph Vitesse;
any 1600E Tina with Rostyle wheels (but preferably the GT);
the Honda TN Acty;
Mk3 Gilbern Invader;
the Lotus Europa;
any Toyo Crown (you can have the coupe, I'll take the estate/ wagon);
a Renault 4.
Of all of them, I insist that you get your grubby mitts on a Renault 4. If ever there was a HubNut car it's the R4.
17:36 The slightly shabby Reliant offices I used to frequent in the mid 80's had a Princess Anne gallery in the reception 🙂
Yet again another brilliant video. Yet again I get this urge to rush out and buy a classic but which one? and finally Im impressed with your knowledge of so many different marques of vehicles. 5*
Your walk arounds of shows are great, I get almost as much out of your little tour as actually going to a show – you know whats worth looking at and a bit of history about them. Obviously we can't dwell on the details with so much to get round – but thats what your normal reviews are for! I do enjoy reading the little histories where people have bothered with them, particularly on rarer and unusual cars. Kinda frustrates me when you stumble across something that you have no idea what it is (and sometimes might not even have a badge) and theres no info – which is why your little tours are so great.
Ian I love the lorries more than the cars, I worked on the Ford cargos when I was a apprentice, 3 people to bleed the brakes
1 person to build up air and press the foot brake valve
1 person to top up the split circuit master cylinders the top cap was about 4-5 inches in diameter
1 person to under lorry and open the wheel cylinder nipple
You had to build air up as when the air tanks where empty the actuators on the master cylinder would not work, also the handbrake would operate through a single spring brake acting on a steel cables and compensator to brake shoe arms in drum, so if you had a air leak the brakes at rear would come on
Many thanks for the lovely compliment on my Mk1 Mx5 !
I guess I'm getting old. I remember seeing all these vehicles on the road when they were commonplace. My first baby carriage was a Morris minor estate woody in green!
3.20 to 3.30 approx. did you see Terry and June aswell ? Think about it,lol
A few years ago I had an experience day at Silverstone driving three laps of the shorterned circit in a Ferrari f355 and three in a Lotus Elise the Elise was for me the better car the Ferrari was very noisy had very hard suspension and I had trouble changing gear although that was probably my fault as the car was left hand drive ? the Lotus on the other hand was a real thrill to drive fast suprisingly refined and so chuckable! I still want one
There is a generous selection beautiful classics at that event, it’s lovely to see so many vintage vehicles lovingly restored!!.
Hah, have Smart 451, the second integration, have to agree, fun little car but slow, wierdo gearbox. All this and my absolute fave car, the Capri. Back in the 70's Ma and Pa had a lilac coloured Avenger 1700, lovely fast car and we had a big box trailer for a 6 person tent that Dad colour-matched to the car. So somewhere I have some lovely old pictures of the lilac purple Avenger with a lilac box trailer . We certainly got some looks arriving at campsites!
Great video. Though I feel you could have asked a few brief questions to some of the owners (with their permission of course).