CAN SHE WIN MISS UNIVERSE? | Miss Universe Canada 2020, Nova Stevens

CAN SHE WIN MISS UNIVERSE? | Miss Universe Canada 2020, Nova Stevens

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Canada’s representative for MISS UNIVERSE is….. Nova Stevens!! Do you think she has what it takes to rise to the top of Miss Universe 2020? Let me know in the comments!

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  1. I'm tired of all that people who says "I don't think miss universe crown another black girl" that's so racist! They are not something strange or bad. I'm latina and I love Nova, she knows when to sound strong and when to sound sweet, and f*** that hate, racist and misogynist comments against her

  2. I don't know if miss canada is going to win miss universe because we got the top 5 that are always winning and are tough to beat

    1. USA- they always win most of the time
    2. Phillipines they also leave the crowd speechless
    3. Mexico- mexico also work hard to make it they don't give up
    4. Columbia- columbia is definitely a competition for all the other ladies in miss universe because the women from that country are so pretty and have alot of confidence and they give it their all i mean their all
    5. Venezuela- is also a big competition because the girl go big they show that they have what it takes to bring the miss universe crown home.

    ok no hate i don't hate miss canada or any miss universe but if all the other miss universe from different countries and miss canada want to win she will need to beat those five countries i just listed because out off all the miss universe USA, Columbia, Philippine, Venezuela and mexico are the big threat and competition for all the other miss universe. if they or canada wants to win she will need to give it her all and pass those 5 countries or she might not make. just saying what i know because Venezuela, Philippine,mexico,columbia and USA always win and bring the crown home and Philippines might win this year again so miss canada watch out and give it all your best good luck.

  3. Really wish her well. As a South African we love seeing the beauty of diversity represented in all countries. We too have another strong candidate in Shudu.. So its wonderful to see these girls Come together

  4. Nova most likely deserved to win, but she needs to bring more to the table (more emotion & presence, than just forceful conviction)…Miss SA & PH are better prospects for MU

  5. Her answer was ok. She always talk about the diversity but isn’t Canada is one of the most diverse country in the world?Sorry but i want to hear a strong, on point and very eloquent answers on every qna all the time.

  6. im not happy with just hearing lily in the background. dear sierra, please always let the pretty baby close every video you post. pretty please… 😌

  7. Nova is great. Her height is definitely an advantage but it does make her walk appear a little slow. I notice that with taller girls like MU China ‘12. She just needs to work on propelling herself to appear energetic which we normally see when the hair billows as someone walks.

  8. she may be a good speaker but her appearance is hideous. i think she will be unplaced if ever there will be miss universe this year. mark my words.

  9. Each candidate has what it takes to be crowned as Miss Universe 2020… if it's their destiny, whatever it takes, it will happen.. However, I also believe in hardwork, perseverance and humility.. Goodluck ladies..🙏

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