Cheryl Brown: The First Black Woman in The Miss America Pageant

Cheryl Brown: The First Black Woman in The Miss America Pageant

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The First Black Woman to hold a title and walk the stage in the Miss America pageant was Cheryl Brown. I must apologize for the poor quality of the pictures. I would have imagined that there would have been TONS of pictures of this beauty on the internet, but as luck would have it, it took me about 3 weeks to find these. Even though the pictures are not high quality, her beauty is still obvious…(read more at source)

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See also  Miss America 1981- Crowning: Susan Powell, Miss Oklahoma

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  1. James, I want you to read YOUR last post to me, then read MY previous post to you and ask yourself if your last response was out of line. Ask yourself if it was over the top. Ask yourself if it was necessary. Ask yourself if it was something that a gentleman would say.

  2. Well, little girl, if you need to flatter yourself by PRETENDING you have won some imaginary debate with me go ahead. It WOULD be a feat IF you could do it, but I have not come across the person on here who can. But, whatever makes you sleep with yourself at night, you big baby.

  3. Whether or not your are an ego-maniac and/or I am an insecure Madusa who feigns humility is besides the point. The page is great and better than anything that I have done on this site. It has pictures of beautiful black women from all walks of life, food for thought postings and relavent videos to the topics/postings of the day. Share it with your friends/family and all those who have TASTE! :>

  4. James, I have repeatedly asked you (or suggested in one way or another) to STOP using profanity. It truly offends me. I can understand just how emotional you are without your being vulgar. I PROMISE you, I am STILL disgusted with your "d*ck down'' comment. It gives me nightmares. But, perhapsyou are right..Perhaps I am trying to vicariously be pretty through the ladies on my Face Book Page. Whatever the reason for my wasting my time keeping that page going, I would appreciate your support.

  5. Ego? What is that? I do not have one. I am humble or at least try to be. There are some areas where I have high confidence, but not to the point where I am cockey or haughty. The focus on beauty by this Channel and my sister channel is to counter the notion that BW are NOT beautiful. We are and I have visual reminders every where. I, myself, am pleased with the way I look and I give credit to God and nature. No harm. No foul. It is ok to celebrate beauty and I do not apologize for it

  6. We are physical beings in a world where one of the pleasures is appreciating beauty–whether it is found in nature, in a museum, or on a face. Taking into account the fact that men are so visual, I am surprised to hear you repeatedly DENY that looks matter. It is nice to know that when beauty begins to fade, you should be able to look deeper. After all these bodies are temporary temples and nothing–not even looks–last forever.

  7. looks mean nothing….that's not true and you know it. A pretty face coupled with a well fed mind is EVERY man's dream. The Miss America pageant celebrates BOTH. If you disagree, then marry (or in your case go d*ck down an ugly woman and leave the pretty ones alone.) I have found that intelligent people can express themselves without offending those they are engaging. With that said, your cursing is offensive. Words carry a lot of power and what words you use tell a lot about YOU.

  8. I am not secure? How could you possibly know that when you don't know me? Lose your day job at the psychic friends net work, you don't know as much as you think. Pageants mean nothing—TO YOU, but winning one is the Super Bowl of womanhood to many, so that alone gives it a lot of weight among females. There is NOTHING wrong with celebrating, recognizing or rewarding a woman who takes the time to maintain her appearance. A woman's power lies in her are visual. Stop acting like

  9. No, I am not afraid of showing my face. Perhaps your head has been in a hole for the last two years and you were unaware that there are some crazy men on here who were threatening me. For my own safety I decided not to upload anything with more than my feet or hands showing. What do I need to prove? That I am pretty or at least not ugly to most? I guess you pegged me wrong. I am not insecure and certainly NOT looking for validation from online foes.

  10. Murdered by a counter argument? LOL. If you have to lie to yourself to stroke your own ego, then go ahead. You differed from me, but we in no way had an 'argument' of any sort, so there was no CLEAR winner. I make it is point to NEVER lose arguments and I never do…because I NEVER take a stand unless I am correct and KNOW what I am talking about. And, since much of a woman's power is in her beauty (which much of the time requires maintenance) then there is no shame in being honored for it.

  11. Miss America is a SCHOLARSHIP pageant. Those bathing suits mean nothing..nothing at all. 😉 And what is wrong with being pretty? Seeing that a woman's power (for most of her life) lies in her beauty, is it wrong for her to profit from it every now in then?

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