Cheslie Kryst Remembered

Cheslie Kryst Remembered

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Cheslie Kryst, ‘Extra’ Correspondent and former Miss USA, died on Sunday at the age of 30. Here are some of her best moments and interviews…(read more at source)

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  1. When the announcer had told Cheslie Kryst, Miss USA 2019 to take her “final walk” on the pageant stage in preparation to crowning the new Miss USA winner for 2020…….ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, & I REPEAT, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE would’ve thought that word…….”FINAL WALK” would’ve taken on such a face of this nature!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS WAS ABSOLUTELY NOT THIS “FINAL WALK” any of us had in mind. Dear God. It wasn’t…….IT JUST WAS NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! again I asked……. How could something (life) seemed so right, end up so wrong?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone as vibrant as she was, with such great outlook on life, plans, etc., just don’t take such action. Other pageants she’d helped hosted she’d been talking & giving counselling to other contestants & others on mental health issues,………..She had been quite passionate about that……so,…………I don’t know. It’s just such a harsh reality knowing she’s not here with us anymore. My heart breaks TREMENDOUSLY for everyone involved.The world has gotten way much darker without her in it……..Her BRIGHT light has unfortunately gone out of it……..GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🥺😢🥺😢🥺😢🥺😢🥺😢🥺😢

  2. Which we knew why she took her life
    It's difficult to imagine someone with so much life, why,?why? Why?
    Why? Why?why?
    I do not know you
    Why? Why? Why?

  3. I’m willing to bet this young woman was dealing with something many women in this industry are dealing with. An overbearing aggression permeates entertainment that is often deadly for many bright lights. I bet her family had clues about this before she died but selfishly championed achievement over mental health. Makes no sense that someone with the ability to receive top notch mental health treatment would commit suicide.


    I just heard a spirit box reading and her spirit spoke through and said she was indeed murdered by a man. It words came in this order. She was upstair with a man. He was touching on her. Then he hit her and threw her over the railing. It was for money. The security guard wrote her last ig post. They cut the footage from the security cameras. Her mom was behind the whole thing. She didnt write a suicide note.

  5. If someone watched this video the last thing one could imagine is this person committing suicide. It is actually scary to see how vibrant and happy she appeared to be yet it must of been all an act.

  6. HIGH powered men still seen her in a lustful DREAM/or way…instead of her intelligence and that probably got her killed…in her videos she wears a ring…where is the fiance? How we didn't know he didn't go up to the 30th floor with her when she broke off the relationship with him???Maybe he was black maybe he was white.. She was a kind soul….this was a brutal and horrifying way to end it all!!! Where are the surveillance cameras showing her going to the 29th floor?(something as insignificant as jay z and solange fighting was showed world wide…why can't we see Chelsea going on and off the freaking ELEVATOR! IF SHE WAS BLONDE HAIR AND BLUE EYES I BETCHA WE WOULD SEE IT!!! ) How come the media isn't showing that? How we don't know someone didn't go up there with her? Maybe someone getting paid to burn or surpress those tapes.maybe it was the 30th floor..30th day 30th birthday witches work with numbers satanic Hollywood sacrifice…Black women don't jump to their DEAThs…white males do…also my Major was Administration of Justice…I wanted to be an attorney/ or anything in Law enforcement…one thing about…my personality that I see in her…is a will to survive and thrive…a go getter…I have taken hard hits throughout the years…and ran across evil I didn't know exist…but I wasn't going to take my Life….this girl didn't EXIT this life volunteeringly she was forced to leave this LIFE
    Any personalities that are aspiring Attorneys…that's what you do…you fight for other people's lives…
    If depression hit her that hard ( which is a DEMONIC force) she can't function
    And she would have sought help
    I don't see her quiting like that
    EVERYBODY knows what it takes to get a degree
    To perform in a pageant…and host a show with all white folks…and she gone jump to her DEATH…???
    And the mom finds out two days before her DEATH…it's some foul play in this mess
    It will come out in heaven or a few years from now
    But I had to learn to tone down my voice cause I came across as a smart azz to PEOPLE…a know it all…a matter of fact type of person
    Attorney type people are like that…that girl did not kill herself…,,💔God forgive me if she did

  7. People are always so shocked when someone kills themselves, because of the stigma behind mental illness, some people kill them selves because they feel like that have no other way, the pain is unbearable to continue to live with, it has nothing to do with if they have a loving family and friends or if they have a career or money or anything along those lines, when you get to that point of thinking that all else is hopeless, there is nothing anyone can do, unless the person is able to snap out of their own delusions and tunnel vision. Add in a chemical Imbalance, or addiction, or even constant stressors that push people overboard. Add in friends and families ridicule or nonchalance attitude about it " it's in your head, get over it etc" and you have a recipe for disaster. Alot of people suffer from borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, and other disorder who have not been diagnosed. And there's no such thing as a high functioning depression, unless you take into account MANIA, manic episodes.. there are people who hide it but there are also signs, like over working, workaholics.. addiction or self medicating, becoming a recluse or extremely introverted, deflecting etc.. families sometimes know but choose to turn a blind eye, there are many signs that are evident, but alot of people turn away because it isn't there problem, at times people suffering with these mental illnesses begin to harbor and internalize everything to the point of not wanting to upset others or to be labeled as crazy or something wrong with them, you can see the pain in her eyes. I have bipolar 2 and I have some of the worst crippling depression episodes but when I'm hypomanic I feel like I can accomplish anything in life and I'm the most motivated to do and I feel like nothing can go wrong until something so miniscule can bring me down to this overbearing infinite sadness mixed in with intrusive thoughts and everyday stressors, take me down, add in impulsively and if I'm in a extreme depressive state I have gone to the points of contemplating suicide more than a few times in my life, even more so now in my thirties because the weight of the world and the pressure becomes too much to handle at times, family and friends can know all the details and also be in denial that their loved one is suffering and in constant pain. When your in that mindset of hopelessness, there's nothing more that you think about then if your just didn't exist anymore, how life would be without you and you convince yourself that it's better , that your family and friends would be better without you. You can even have all the support and if you suffer from self worth issues etc.. there's nothing no one can say to change this thought unless you seek help, and if you do seek help and are discouraged that can also send a person to feel like they excerted all the resources and outlets and there's nothing left to do, then to exterminate themselves. I also thought i was high functioning, until I couldn't, keep up with the fake image of being happy and we'll put together, my depression caused me to lose everything, my career, my home, my car, my finances, plus I had an abusive partner at the time and undiagnosed bipolar 2 disorder and PTSD, I tried to kill myself in many ways, and yes sometimes you think of the most horrific way to do so, like this young woman did. I believe she killed herself in this manor to leave a lasting impression, she was always ridiculed for her looks her entire life and never recognized for her brains and her achievements, I believe she suffered from self worth issues and self image issues and keeping up with what she thought was expected of her, she overworked her self her entire life to achieve everything that she wanted to not only measure her worth but to prove to others she valued more than just her looks or identity, she did it in this horrific way so that she could destroy that very image she suffered from. Her last ig post of her face and caption sums it up. Her suicide note explains how she felt. She was hurting for too long and living alone. Plus with social media only amplified her feelings. I too had to completely remove myself from social media because it was also affecting me and triggering me to go manic on many occasions, because you are constantly consciously or subconsciously affecting your psyche, because you think everyone else in the world on social media is living a fruitful happy life and they seem well put together competing to seem who's happier and who's doing everything so well put together that it brainwashed you to think that you are inadequate or doing something wrong in your own life. She also claimed that she was getting so much hate when she won miss USA, and we all know that those pageants are crucial and high pressure, from how they look to what they know and they have to seem so well rounded and perfect, I believe that also contributed to her self worth as a person, then working in the industry with famous people being on tv etc could have contributed all collectively. I don't think she had a social life because for her to achieve everything that she did in that matter of time, she was simply self medicating her mental illness with overworking to the point of possibly numbing herself, but when youre all alone within your thoughts, you can never escape yourself.

    Listen to the song "love yourself" by Phora… That song saved my life on multiple occasions. He speaks about his own depression in such a way that anyone can relate.

    We need to love one another and take care of eachother and never downplay someone's experiences or pain. Just because it may seem little to you it could be that other person's last chance or attempt to be heard or asking for help, we need to also stop being complacent of others people's pain and labeling it as it's no big deal or that everyone has problems etc… Peace and love

  8. “For you Oh God has made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in You”- St. Augustine

  9. No!! Not suicide. She was murdered and pregnant by older married, powerful man (possible employer) dragged and pushed from 29h floor. Her Mom knows this.

  10. This is a very beautiful tribute of our beloved fallen angel Cheslie Kryst. I miss you so much. She made pageant history by being one of the five black girls to win one of the five most important pageants in the world within the same year. Always thinking of you. Black girl magic 🪄

  11. To everyone who's struggling right now, please know that GOD LOVES YOU. He wants to help you and give you peace. Please surrender your burdens to Him and let Him move in your life.

  12. Yes we call it mental health but these are literal demons attacking us at every angle. I’ve experienced suicidal thoughts and it’s like you don’t even consider who would be hurt, you’re convinced that you’d be relieved of some kind of pain or whatever you’re going through. That’s the lie and trick of the devil. The devil is going to be loud with his lies so we need to train ourselves to be even louder with the word of God to refute the lies of the devil! He was so loud in my thoughts until God stepped in and spoke through my own mouth that “God will be glorified” and I didn’t do it. His word says “when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.” in Isaiah 59:19. We have to realize that like Ephesians 6:12 says “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” These things going on are spiritual!! Every day everyone is going through some kind of spiritual battle in their mind. That’s why it’s so important to be covered by the blood of Jesus to be able to fight the good fight of faith and not lose the battle. Things such as depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, Covid has shown us so clearly that things we can’t even see are fighting against us but it’s up to you to choose this day how you will fight that battle. We cannot do it alone!!! Jesus wants to help you to fight that battle today, he wants to heal you, deliver you of whatever it is that you are going through right now. “Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and nobody can come to the Father but by Him.” John 14:6. No accomplishment, no award, no degree, nothing can save you but the blood of Jesus!!! Please repent and turn to God He is truly able to save you, heal you, deliver you and see you through these invisible battles that we go through every day like He did for me!!! My heart and prayers go out to her family, this is so sad!! God bless!!🙏🏾❤️

  13. Yes…there certainly may be more to this tragic death than suicide, sounds so highly unlikely; but, sometimes when people discard all of their public facing props and the cameras are no longer rolling, they don't have a genuine self-loving role and don't at all like their raw unedited selves, we may never know…but warrants investigating further!

  14. AYUBOWEWA 🙏 i wish she will be born in Our Beautiful Peaceful Motherland ASAP!…..👍🇱🇰🙏 And May there be Peace Speed around the Global for an better tomorrow to our Next Generations Future 👍💟🇱🇰🌏👌✌🙏👊

  15. Rest beautiful Cheslie. 😇 I hope we find out what happened to you. Maybe video footage can confirm what took place. So proud of Cheslie!


  17. I meant to say this message is to those of us that feel the need to pass judgment on women that are more smarter and more beautiful,than us plus size women,get over yourselves!😁😁😁😁😁😍😍😍☺☺☺☺😜😜😜😜😜



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