Cheslie Kryst's friend and publicist LaToya Evans reflects on legacy of former Miss USA

Cheslie Kryst's friend and publicist LaToya Evans reflects on legacy of former Miss USA

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LaToya Evans, Cheslie Kryst’s friend and publicist, joins “CBS Mornings” to discuss their friendship and the legacy of the “Extra” correspondent and former Miss USA. This is her first interview since Kryst died by suicide last week.

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  1. F—k her never heard of her. Miss USA? Shows how far that game fell. 28 years old and competing? That title is for 18-24

  2. She needed to hang around with REAL people , this person acts fake as can be. I am sorry to be rude, but real friends dig deeper and ask questions. Their relationship was clearly just surface level and I guess that is okay b/c she was her boss.

  3. I've said this many many many times before but I am devastated with this news I still don't believe everything that's came out is true I am a survivor from that situation once again I did it twice however to me there is a lot of unknown questions I just don't believe this beautiful woman who was so much or her looks what actually go from the 9th floor to the 29th floor and in her life it just don't seem like that would be her type of way of doing this they have to have a closed casket is horrible it a lot of please just don't sit right with me I just pray that if somebody did something to this young girl it would be my own and find out and would be Justice for her I still say from day one I just don't believe it it just don't seem like the type of way she would have took her life but my prayers go out to everybody and I don't like this viewer to Miguel was more compassionate with her words than her friend I don't like how she smelt or anyting through the situation I can imagine smiling or the interview with her friend just don't sit right to me to me it seemed like she was more about being on TV then actually talkin I just don't like it I know a lot of people going to actually look at this and it to me seen a little funny the action of the family friend all I can say is God bless this beautiful talented young lady she will be very much missed and I really hoped it we get some answers like is it her handwriting and why did she go up to the 29th floor when she was already on the 9th floor also where's the cameras that's what we'd like to hear

  4. Those are signs that something was wrong. It’s so sad because she was trying to be good enough for the world and couldn’t meet that standard! My prayers are for her family. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  5. If this is the type of person she was surrounded with, how could she have gotten help. She looks like she is using the moment to shine, professional but cold….instead of being honest warm hearted.

  6. Wow, so sad but I've been told anyone who smiles all the time is not that happy. We all have moments of sadness and whatever. Probably being pushed since childhood to say I don't want to disappoint anyone. R I P

  7. No disrespect but come on with this high functioning depression , depression is depression….RIP Cheslie 🙏🏾

  8. Dont trust this lady want some clout. And reason is that no emotion in her. That's wasn't her friend thats a associate

  9. We need to stop using this word "friend" loosely!!!🤔🤔 a lot of us do not have friends. We have people who enjoy or benefit financially from our company.

  10. Ohhhhhhh her name was "cheslie" I thought the news reporter Gayle had mispronounced it😮And this "friend" who keeps repeating she thinks the "high functioning" part is just a normal part for over achievers um….sweetheart it doesn't seem very promising though because it didn't help cheslie

  11. If her family didn't know she had depression up until she died, how on earth did they come about this high functioning depression they're passionately preaching to the world?
    Sadly, her family knew nothing about yet feel obligated to defend a diagnosis they never officially got from a doctor or psychologist.

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  13. My heart and soul weeps for this beautiful woman of compassion, so filled with life! We all miss your presence….Enter the blue light and become eternal peace of love and spirit! Lamed Vav….

  14. "The family will host a public celebration of life on Friday, Feb. 18 at 6:30 p.m. at Elevation Blakeney." They will give livestream link closer to the service. #RIPCheslieKryst

  15. Listen to some of her videos. In one where she shared family photographs, she specifically mentioned while reflecting on her childhood in one bright photo that her "energy had gone", that she was constantly "tired all the time". That's a specific reference to her troubled state. Apparently , she had lost the joy of living for some time , but was just pushing, till she could no longer push.
    In most of her veiled statements about herself, she was literally screaming for help to the world. Unfortunately, no one was really listening or seeing her pains concealed in all the glitz and glamour. She did not really hide her depression well. Only that people did not pay her much attention. Please-, listen to your loved ones, friends and colleagues and carefully observe them. To be candid, there are always telling signs that do not hide. There are always the movements, postures or verbal cues that should not be ignored. A little probing might help to break down any defense, and help to lead in the pathway of recovery. Of course, don't forget to pray as well.

  16. Isolation is the worst punishment .Your accomplishment worth nothing if you don't have a family or someone to share it with the worlds of my friend before she took her life.

  17. She didn't commit suicide…let there be an investigation..there is no way someone that has high functioning depression wouldn't have showed signs during the years…I'm telling you guys, there is something to can the hotel say they lost footage from the CCTV for that day….i call BS..this girl was murdered

  18. I can imagine how difficult it must have been for an introvert to always appear to be outgoing and a ray of sunshine. Being an introvert requires one to have adequate rest periods to recuperate from all the overstimulation. Otherwise, it can be overwhelming and exasperating. I'm an introvert with extroverted tendencies, and this is what

  19. Our hearts are restless until they rest in Jesus!. Please seek God and you will have peace that surpasses all human understanding no matter the circumstances. Did she really commit suicide or their can be a possibility where some one pushed her!?. May God receive her soul with mercy in Christ Jesus

  20. I think Cheslie was not comfortable in her skin, instead of helping her understand she was intelligent, smart etc she was placed in pageants and commaflagged or modelled as beauty from without instead of focusing on beauty within. She lived in an unrealistic world where thinking beauty doesnt age, but remains youthful forever. That way of thinking is completely off for a grown adult. One of the early lessons of life is that living things die. Trees or flowers are not green all the time. There are 4 seasons and every season you must expect change. Cheslie was blinded to change or reality and in the end that may have led to her demise.

  21. So sorry to hear we lost another one. Condolences and prayers.
    Resources that may help with microagression that are similar to the training of my parents and grandparents: Daily stotic with Ryan Holiday and Why rejection is awesome by Jia Jiang )

    Growing up stotic and making sense of the world: My parents and grandparents raised us to expect rejection from the world because they expected us to be the best at whatever we decide to do. They said they expected that we would not succumb to the ordinary path. Therefore, they constantly told us that we would likely be isolated by the world and not often celebrated, and to welcome both. They trained us to be tough, have self-love, embrace rejection from the world, and to be relevant to ourselves.

    In addition, they loved us, told us that they loved us, showed us how to love ourselves, and told us to never seek acceptance and love from the world. If we were accepted, that's okay, and if we were rejected, that's even better. As I grew older, I understood. I can see that we are better for these lessons.

  22. It seems like she had people around her who brushed her problems under the rug, you have to feel very alone to take your own life. I don’t know this woman and everyone grieves differently but only a week after her friend dying it’s odd she’s smiling and talking like a normal interview I don’t understand

  23. I think her friend is glossing over a lot of what Cheslie was going through to make her circle look better. There are still signs even if it's high functioning depression. Sad that Cheslie felt she couldn't open up to anyone.

  24. Please take a look at YouTube Kerry-Ann Tarot. Please take a look at Spinks Tarot. And Please take a look at YouTube Grand Madamn Tarot: 02/10/2022. Chelsie did not participate 😢 in agreement of jumping off this – "Orion" building in NYC. Maybe other people were hiding in her Condo – waiting to harm her, coaxing her to take All of her "mental health medicines."

  25. The ALLURE interview was definitely a sign……her handler plainly missed it……..I have PTSD……and people miss all my signs……if it wasn't for GOD……BUT GOD!!!!!!!!

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