Cheslie Kryst's Mother Breaks Her Silence On Miss USA 2019's Death

Cheslie Kryst's Mother Breaks Her Silence On Miss USA 2019's Death

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Miss USA 2019 Cheslie Kryst’s mother, April Simpkins, is speaking out about the death of her daughter, issuing a statement on Wednesday that reads in part, “I have never known a pain as deep as this. I am forever changed.” She continued, revealing that Kryst suffered from “high-functioning depression” prior to her death…(read more at source)

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  1. Living alone in NYC during winter, & during a Pandemic is very lonely & draining. On top of that she constantly faced anti-blackness in the Modeling & Legal Industries. She seemed to have been living her life to make everyone else happy, & constantly lived under the pressure to be perfect because everyone loved her perfection, & everyone always expected her to keep doing more & more. She seemed to pursue Law to please her Dad, & Modeling to please her Mom. However internet bullies, & racists shamed her for being “short”, “old”, “too muscular”, “too black” & “benefiting from affirmative action”.

    She never got to live her life for herself. As a child she started living her life for her parents, she had to live up to the White Beauty standard, she had to be a Champion for Black People, she had to be a lawyer/mba, then she had to be society’s “Hollywood feel good influencer”, & criminal justice hero.

    In one Ear she had her “supporters” setting their expectations of her to always be a perfect, perky, superwoman.

    In the other Ear her critics made her feel inadequate & unqualified in all of her achievements.

    She was trapped between 30 years of Expectations to be Perfect & 30 years of Cruel Criticism.

    She lived under a microscope for 30 years, being judged & pressured in every aspect of her existence by a selfish society driven by vanity.

    Parents & society need to stop living vicariously through children & celebrities. No one owes their life to anyone else.

    I’m sorry she suffered, I’m sorry she didn’t have mental freedom, I’m sorry this world drained her amazing light.


  2. Sometimes suicide is just another mistake people make – to blanketly say that all people who commit suicide are mentally ill…

    … the psychiatrists to the stars probably filled her head that she was somehow defective, and she couldn't bear the thought.

  3. According to insider, Cheslie was having a career crisis. Many of her childhood friends and family wanted her to pursue a career in law, instead of her career as a "correspondent" for Extra – which didn't pay well. And according to our insider, the struggle with what to do with her career, "weighed heavily on her."
    Also, the insider claims that Cheslie was allegedly a member of the LGBTQ+ crew – and possibly a closeted lesbian. The insider claimed that Chelsea – who was deeply religious – was struggling with being open about her sexuality. 💔💔💔

  4. Estås personas con te decía suicida siempre dan alguna señal ,me extraña que nadie de diera cuenta sobre todo los íntimos mås cercanos

  5. Sometimes, a person has a tendency pretend and to hide what he or she truly feels inside while showing the entire world the other side and make them think that you're truly strong but the truth is, your tearing apart and breaking down until the truth will push you to the limit and even take your own life. Sad.đŸ˜©

  6. Severe depression is literally a silent killer. Her own mother whom she was very close to seemingly has no idea she had thoughts of hurting herself. This is all very confusing to those of us who can't imagine such drastic measures to end emotional anguish. This is a great reminder that we need to look after ourselves not just from outside but, also from the inside.

  7. Depression is for real and not to be taken lightly… Here is this extremely beautiful,well educated womon with fame that gets to the point where she wants to kill herself and jumps off a building as if she couldn't wait to go …it baffles me…so sad

  8. Amazing that her mother and family are going along with the suicide story…so no one is going to investigate???!!! WHO was her daughter visiting on the 29th floor? Where's her cellphone? Did she have any boyfriends, girlfriends, friends??!! She DIDN'T write neither note and she didn't jump !!! I am going to watch her family going forward because I am amazed that they don't want this investigated, very strange

  9. Depression is real people! It takes you to a dark, lonely & empty place, sometimes even without a reason.. it’s a silent-killer. A ticking timr bomb, which can just snap & explode at some point.. RIP Cheslie..

  10. Don’t be sad over this or think that she made a mistake. She just made a very final decision at a very low point. Do you all know how hard it is to kill yourself? That took so much courage! She was a strong woman and whether or not we want to accept the way she went out, she lived in the power of self determination.We are all going to leave this planet somehow, someday. She made the decision how to go out and when. Regardless of what you think or feel, it’s not to be frowned on, it’s to be respected.

  11. She had beauty, fame, and was very well educated. That goes to show that not everything that glitters is gold. This very sad and tragic
Deep condolences 💐

  12. She was doing waayyy too much! I loved her. And this made me sad. But, we have to take care of ourselves. Just because you are young and strong. Doesn't mean you should take on a million things at once. Protect your mental health! You are not a machine!

    She was depressed. She was an Attorney. She was on "Extra". She was a Board member of several organizations giving a million speeches. Flying all over the country. She had a blog. Was developing a fashion line. And active on Instagram and Tik Tok where she was constantly trolled with people (who were jealous and hateful) to kill herself!

    And she was writing a book. This sounds like the "mania side" of Bi-polar Depression. And is obviously deadly. All of that is enough to cause someone to self-terminate. We have to take care of ourselves. Slow down. And not take on too much. We are not machines. Rest in Peace beautiful, smart Queen!

  13. I'm so sorry this happened and sorry to who all is going thru such a horrific thing but if her mom knew this why not go and try to get her in a hospital to get her help..? Why know she was suffering with this and not try WHATEVER she could even if it meant moving in with her or try and get her to come home with her and get her help…? If this comment hurt ANYONE I am sorry.

  14. Depression can be a silence killer and if no one recognizes the signs and symptoms it can cause you to leave this earth and that’s what she did my heart goes out to her entire family. The government needs to put more money into mental illness programs especially now during the pandemic!!

  15. Whatever interview she did in the pink outfit at 01:09 I remember watching it and thinking she looked off. I was fan, I followed her career since she won Miss USA. I was rooting for her during Miss USA. I could never imagine that what I thought was "off" would end up as this.

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