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Models come in all sizes… and species. Enter the strange world of chicken beauty pageants – owners who are completely cuckoo over their prized poultry, musicians dropping “sick” chicken beats and makeovers bizarre enough to ruffle some feathers and make you drop that #KFC.
#DCODE #Chicken #Pageant..(read more at source)
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i own serama bantams as pets but this is just animal abuse fuck you and everything you stand for
Oh god it's blood .. How can it be not painful 😖
so adorable
This is horrendously cruel.
Imo, this is straight up cheating and cruel torture without pain reliever. So. Not. Cool.😠
I breed seramas. Not all of us are abusive. To all of you new to the breed and just seeing this, please do more research before you judge based on one persons behavior
I have also same breed
disgusting, i own chickens and i take care of them with all my heart. but you ppl who do chicken pagents are literally hurting the chickens.
I feel ready bed for the chickens How long has this gone on for. Someone should tell the rspca or peta. I was really intrested in getting one of these chickens until I seen how they Commit them to surgery
Realy without anastesi
Can't wait to join something like this soon.
This is Chicken ABUSE 😬😲chickens should be for eating 🍗🍚🥚only💯 just say'n people seriously really rethink your Lifestyle SERIOUSLY!!!
Imagine youre the chicken