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CMP 425 – Leah Fennelly – Working at Hooters, Pageant, How To Hit On A Waitress

CMP 425 – Leah Fennelly – Working at Hooters, Pageant, How To Hit On A Waitress

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Leah is a part-time Hooters employee and second-year law student. Graduated from the University of South Florida with a major in Political Science and a minor in Leadership. Model, rides horses, and of course, make social media content

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  1. That happy birthday story made me rewind and listen again at 1x speed. Hilarious! Fun interview.

  2. Just 2 classy gals having a conversation…
    about BREAST-A-RAUNTS!! lol
    🏅Sorry for your losses, Leah.
    You are so nice you are sure to bring in more patrons,
    and I wish you the best.👍👍
    And I do miss The Wing House(s) in Florida…that buffalo chickin salad was 🔥, but I gotta go with the mild buffalo shrimp if we are talkin' Hooters. And at Hooters you should implore them to expand on the 1 Hooters Comic Book they had created years back (which you can probably find on ebay), featuring a blonde character named Halle the Hooters Girl, I believe. For instance they could make another one/COMIC BOOK based on YOU, perhaps. I am not sure why they didn't continue making them but I bet they would be a hit and would sell well in the Hooters store area…and especially SO if one was based on you. Yes, I'd buy one…and why wouldn't you want to have your own comic book (character)?! Its a win win for everyone. Perhaps a comic book could be made featuring or based on who ever wins the pageant each year…and then you could end up with a whole slew of them.😉

    And wellll, Chrissie you were rad as normal. And you too, definitely deserve a comic book made up of you or in your liking somehow…if you could work that out… I'd surely buy one of those as well, and then I'd have a whopping 2 comic books in my collection!! You can call me crazy if you feel its warranted, but I do believe your interviewing skills are reaching their "zenith". Your show rocks and I cant wait to see you live someday.👏

    Go BULLS!!✌

  3. Yeaaah.

    Bring her on simpcast.
    Let’s see the battle of the orphans.
    Venti vs Leah.
    Let’s watch venti get jealous of how much better looking she is than her.

    She has a real hour glass shape and she dresses more appropriately compared to venti who tries desperately not to have men look at her butterface. 😂

    This is real bimbo power.

  4. Hooters rarely has girls that look like this. Their move to "keep up with the times" has made it less interesting to go there.

  5. I'm sorry if your restaurant is named "hooters" then that's what it should have. This idea that young men are suddenly more into asses is dum and totally politically driven. Unfortunately these days most hooters girls look more like something you might see taking your order at McDonalds 🙁

  6. Very interesting attitude to Only Fans 😂- many girls do it also she does not bec of law school…. Seems every stereotype confirmed

  7. 13:06 That superchat being pulled up right after showing Leah in a bikini was almost perfect timing. If only that superchat had been shown about six seconds before when the bikini pic was still the focus of the screen.

  8. vacuous is an understatement – not sure why you interviewed this thing. It's a random girl who works at Hooters? I'm confused why I'm having Hooters wings advertised to me.. lol ?

  9. From 1989 to 1993 I was stationed at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa. The first 2 Hooters locations (Clearwater and Tampa) were full of University of South Florida students waitressing. One of our pilots was married to an "original" Hooters girl. He even got a bunch of them in their Hooters uniforms to take a picture on one of our F-16's one night. No one complained. I'd hate to think what the woke military would do now if somebody tried that. LOL

  10. Pretty only gets you so far. 5 minutes of listening to this Hooters broad, and I had to tune out. All the best o luck to her, but my ears do not have the capacity to enjoy listening to anyone who speaks the way she does. Chrissie is still cool though

  11. I love watching your videos and streams. I can always use help with dating advice. I'm almost 50 but look in my 30s. This shouldn't be a struggle but it is. keep up the great content.

  12. Leah says 'yah' like she's from Minnesota and that's not a bad thing. My favorite Hooters is in the Arizona Center in Phoenix…amazing girls and everything is always excellent. This was back in the 90's, BTW.
    They opened a Hooters in Newington CT in the 80's and the press coverage was hilarious. There were feminists protesting outside on opening day and the waitresses came out with cold drinks for them. The servers were smokin' hot and the feminists were the usual batch of fat, chopped hair, homely losers with real bad skin. I loved it. Feminists didn't have blue hair and tattoos back then, but they were the same bitter idiots as they are today.

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