Colorized Photos of the Vietnam War that are Hard to Stomach

Colorized Photos of the Vietnam War that are Hard to Stomach

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Did you know that there were topless shows put on for American troops during the Vietnam War and that Vietnamese soldiers used litter from American troops to make homemade bombs? The Vietnam War was a strange time for America, dividing the country more than it had been divided since the 19th century. The war led to a notable anti-war movement and the creation of some of modern cinema’s most iconic war films. For those who want to know what the war was really like, these colorized photos help give a better idea than ever before! Unless you were really there, these photos are the closest most will ever come to experiencing the terrors of the Vietnam War.

▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 – Intro
00:18 – Lyndon B. Johnson Listens to Marine Recordings
00:48 – Sammy Davis Jr. Entertains the Troops
01:56 – Troops Arrive at Vietnam via Airdrop From the Shore
02:28 – Troops Watch a Miss America Show
03:01 – Vietnam Soldiers Find a Cute Puppy
04:14 – Pop-Top Cans Were a Useful Innovation for Soldiers
04:54 – There Was Some Risqué Entertainment During Vietnam
05:17 – Lela Falana Entertains the Troops
05:42 – The Donut Dollies and Their Ditty Bags
06:23 – Soldiers Holding a Giant Python!
06:46 – Raquel Welch at a USO Show
07:08 – Surfing Was Popular Amongst American Soldiers in Vietnam
07:41 – Phyllis Diller Entertains the Troops with Comedy
08:00 – Outro

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Many of these photos show the types of entertainment that were available to American troops situated in Vietnam. Of course, the majority of entertainment was provided in the form of USO shows. Many of these shows were hosted by Bob Hope and featured one or more attractive female celebrities. There was also a USO show that went by the name of the “Miss America Show”, and it featured pageant winners dancing suggestively for the troops.

It wasn’t all fun and games during the Vietnam War, as evidenced by the photos that show what it was like on the front lines. Viewers will get a chance to see what it was like for Marines when they were first showing up on the shores of Vietnam, as well as the natural dangers they faced while sneaking through the Vietnamese jungles. Join Fact Verse as we look at colorized photos of the Vietnam War that are hard to stomach.

Colorized Photos of the Vietnam War That Are Hard to Stomach..(read more at source)

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  1. Download the Fetch Rewards app now → and use the code FACTSVERSE to get 5000 points on your first receipt!

  2. My dad was in Vietnam twice. In the first one he said he had a pet monkey. This monkey came to him everyday to get a cracker from his tent.

  3. I was going through my teens during the Vietnam War expecting to be drafted and sent there after I turned 18. Ironically, the war ended in the spring of 1975 and when I turned 17 years old my parents signed for me to join the service in the autumn of 1976. I'll always be thankful to President Jimmy Carter for being a peacetime president. Training for war is still easier than fighting a war.

  4. Wait, according to this video, the Americans were fighting the Vietnamese during the Viet Nam War? "Lyndon Johnson told the nation 'I am trying everyone to please/And though it isn't really we're sending 50,000 more, to save Viet Nam from the Vietnamese'".—Tom Paxton

  5. My two favorite cousins were in Vietnam. They were at least 14 years older than me. Bobby, later had cancer three times, Lung, brain and back to lung. His brother, Billy came back physically but mentally he wasn’t there. Died in a bar fight in Tulsa. I feel so sorry for the Vietnam vets, they get any respect when they came home and not much now. Bobby loved R&R in Australia.


  7. Far from being hard to watch you made it look like it was a fun place to be. As a radio operator for a Marine line company I never saw these shows and the majority of grunts beating the bush did not see them. The beer cans are also good for stringing around your position at night to make it harder for Charlie to sneak up on you. I thank all who made it back and for those who did not my heart breaks every day. Semper Fi.

  8. I was expecting to see Ted Nugent in his crusty brown uniform. Is this the war that Donald tRump learned more than the General's 🤡 why all the hiding of what hell these men went through and had to relive in their minds cause there is no mental care for these men🤬 combat veterans deserve to live in mansions, just so agent orange can be worshipped by evangelicals as the second coming of christ 🤬 real informative

  9. I was invited to participate in that ridiculous war, as ALL wars are, but I respectfully, or not so respectfully, declined the offer!!

  10. Wow it was hard for the Americans, guess the Vietnamese and Lao who witnessed mass genocide from the American invaders had it pretty easy

  11. Meanwhile a lot of those vets are homeless aren’t getting mental health treatment and some on drugs. That’s how republicans feel about veterans.

  12. It takes more skill than the average person realizes to colorize a photo. You don't just go into Photoshop and pick colors. You have to understand lighting conditions, how colors of logos may not be the same as they are now, and much more. It's interesting watching the process.

  13. My brother received the bronze star in the silver Star. God sent him home to us he was never the same. He fought cancer four times because of Asian Orange. He finally passed away from brain cancer caused from the war. Even through cancer four times he fought like hell and lived to be 72. You never really showed what these poor guys went through.

  14. My father had some from the Vietnam War. They were horrible. People literally cut in half some Americans
    My father was given the purple heart . We were glad he came back a live. One woman spat on him at the airport and told him he should be ashamed of himself.

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