Come Follow Me Old Testament Esther (July 25-31) Don't Miss This

Come Follow Me Old Testament Esther (July 25-31) Don't Miss This

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Just one timeline piece!! You should post ESTHER on your timeline this week. You might want to pop some popcorn for this oneā€¦cozy up in a blanket and pjs. This one starts ā€œOnce upon a timeā€¦ā€ just like most of the best stories do. You will discover a courageous heroine, a thoroughly evil villain, a love story, suspense, dramatic irony, sudden reversal of action andā€¦.a happy ending. Look forward to meeting Queen Vashti, the Maidens, Esther, Mordecai, and the King as we dive into this weekā€™s heroes. This week in Come, Follow Me we will be studying Esther. Here is what you have to look forward to:

The Book Where God is Never Mentioned
Finding His Fingerprint Everywhere
Where Do You See His Hand in Your Story?

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David and Emily
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  1. Time Stamps:

    00:00 See the Board
    00:04 Welcome and Introduction
    00:48 Old Testament Timeline and Piece of the Week
    01:33 Intro to Esther + Emily's great-grandmother's wedding dress
    06:57 Note on God's hand in the Story of Esther
    07:56 Overview of Esther 1 and Esther 2
    08:43 Esther 1 verses 1-12
    09:29 Additional background on Esther (Esther 2 verses 6-7)
    11:03 Esther 2 verses 8-9, then verses 11-14
    12:54 Esther 2 verses 15-17, then verse 20
    14:17 Side note on the subplot to kill the king (Esther 2 verses 21-23)
    15:10 Intro to Esther 3
    16:20 Esther 3 verse 10, then verse 13
    17:46 Esther 4 verses 1 and 4-9
    18:45 Word of the Week: Supplication
    19:15 Esther 4 verses 10-11, then 13-14, then 16-17
    20:52 Esther 4 verse 16
    22:12 Esther 4 verse 14
    24:00 Esther 5 verses 1-4 + Tip-in of Esther
    26:29 Overview of Esther 6 and Esther 7
    28:56 Overview of Esther 8
    29:29 Esther 8 verse 11, then verses 16-17
    30:35 Esther 9 verse 19
    31:55 Heroes — Vashti, Mordecai, The Maidens, The King, and Esther
    35:17 Teaching Tip: Where did you see God's hand in the Book of Esther?
    36:15 Conclusion: Where do you see God's hand in your story? + The Sunflower Principle

  2. I have a grandma Bell too, who died in 2020. She was my great-grandma. I had a dream about her last night and to hear you say and tell stories about your "Grandma Bell" just made my day. Maybe we are related somehow. ā¤ļø

    Edit: I just realized you spell it with an extra E. Maybe not related but to hear it was very sweet. Thank you.

  3. Taking about the ā€˜beauty pageantā€™ to find the new queen reminds me of the ā€˜Princesses on Paradeā€™ number from ā€˜The Swan Princessā€™. I know thatā€™s a pretty obscure reference but watch it and youā€™ll see what I mean.

  4. I love the story of Esther and her courage. The part where she puts on her royal robes, it made me think of putting on temple clothes and each of us are royal because we are children of A King. Working in the temple has opened my eyes more to how God orchestrates things in our lives. To some they write it off as coincidence but it too perfect in the timing. I had a few of these happen to me this past week.

  5. I wish we knew more about Vashti. She's brave and courageous, too. Surely she knew the king wouldn't be happy with her refusal to be paraded in front of the men (some sources believe that she was expected to be naked). Naked or not, she was not willing to be used in such a way.

  6. David, you started looking for sunflowers once your friend pointed you in the direction of the first sunflower.

  7. Love All your humor, I Love Esther, I Love all your interactions, so entertaining and I Love the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Thanks so muchšŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•

  8. ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø This song is about this weekā€™s lesson about Esther. For Such A Time As This

  9. I would have it if Emily showed us a picture of her Great-Gramma in her wedding outfit. The shoes are lovely

  10. Thank you for your fairy tale story. Ā 
    The king was looking for a beautiful young maiden. What about him. May be he was fat, short, crossed eyes, lame, half deaf, bold, and old. This is incredible how some men expect women to be sooo idealistic, but do not question whether they are so desirable themselves… Well, I hope for Esther that the king was not so ugly and not drunk all the time.
    Esther's story is a great lesson about overcoming our fears and putting our trust in the Lord when we have fears and doubts.
    I love also the conclusion about the wicked one(s). They may seem to be all powerful for a moment, that may be long, but we should remember to put our faith in God and not fear. He will make things right when time comes.

  11. I think its cool how Esther appears to be clothed in Emily's great grandmothers wedding dress/cloak!

  12. Hi David, l know you are I Fiji right now, look forward to meeting you. I follow you guys back here in Suva Fiji.

  13. The story of Esther has been one of my most favorite, ever since I was little. But I LOVED hearing so many more insights and finding even more meaning in her story from this video. I also felt the spirit so strong the whole time. Thank you!

    (It was also hilarious how excited Emily was about the wedding dress and how David was trying his best to also be excited šŸ˜…)

  14. I love that the dress Esther is wearing in the drawing has the same cloak as your Grandmothers wedding cloak.

  15. David, I am just wondering about your red friendship bracelet. Is that representative of Rahab's red thread in the window? Or completely unrelated?

  16. Here is a story Emily told on Inklings on 1.27.22 about this weekā€™s painting (You are going to love this so much)!

    And I want to just tell you a quick story about this painting. So Eva, our cute friend Eva Timothy, you guys. I asked if she would paint me a picture of Esther. And when we were talking about the painting that I wanted, I said to her, "Is there any way I can send you a picture of my grandmother's wedding dress? I would just love to have that in the picture." And so she said, "Yeah, go take some pictures of your daughter."

    And so, what happened is that it was happening really fast. I needed the picture right away. Everything was like, so fast. And all of a sudden Eva was like, "Yes, if you can send the picture today, that would be perfect."

    And so, Grace happened to be home while I was texting Eva, but she was just getting ready to leave for work. And I like went flying into my bedroom to get out Grandma Belle's trunk, and I'm opening it up and I'm pulling out the dress, and I say to Grace, "I need you to put this on for just a minute," and she's like, "I don't have time. I do not have time to put that on." I'm like, "You have to! You have to!" And there wasn't enough time for me to explain to her what was happening, and she was trying to tell me how she couldn't put the dress on, and I'm following her out to the car, because Eva was like, "Take the picture outside with something solid behind you." So I'm like, "Oh, in front of the garage doors would be perfect." So I finally… Grace tells me I have 60 seconds, you guys. I have 60 seconds. She's counting and I'm dressing her in this dress and putting her facing the garage and I have it all everything on her, and it is so cute because… I wish you could see her hands. I'm going to try and put it up here. And sorry about the light. But she still has on her just her crazy rings that she wears everyday, because that is how fast we were going with this picture. And then I get her undressed, like, everyone who's worried about the dress… It's laying on the cement in my driveway so she can get to work on time. And then I bundled the whole thing back in and I bring it into the house and that is the end. I send all the garage door pictures to Eva. And she does this amazing thing. I mean look guys, no garage doors. Look at how beautiful it turned out.

    Well, when the picture gets done, Eva sends it to me. I die over it when I see it. And I put it in our family group text, and Grace responds first. Oh, and I wrote the name. It's "For Such a Time as This." I just wrote the name at the bottom of the picture. And Grace responds with crying faces. And then she says to me, "Mom, you didn't tell me what I was doing the picture for!" and I was like, "Well, I didn't have time! Remember? I had 60 seconds!" And then she said, "Mom, this is my favorite story in the scriptures. Like, this has been a life-changing story for me, and anytime my life gets hard, I turn to the book of Esther, and I've done it since I was a little girl. I go back to that story and back to that story and back to that story," and she was like, "Mom, to have a picture of me in a painting entitled, 'For Such a Time as This,' is like a watershed moment in my life." And what a sweet moment it was to look at this and think, it just made it even sweeter that she didn't even know, and now that has become such a profound moment in her story, in her life.

    And we will all have moments like that in our story where I think we will have that moment like Grace did when all of a sudden she saw herself in that dress in that background and what was a 60 second cement and garage door moment all of a sudden became holy for her; it just became holy, because all of a sudden, God was in that story.

  17. The kings commands were written in all the languages throughout the kingdom. His deliverance letter was sent through Asia, India and Africa.

  18. David! šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m dying and thoroughly entertained over your reaction to the wedding dress. Iā€™m excited to hear the rest now. šŸ’•

  19. Thanks for not "getting it", David. I don't get it either!! Not a Fairy Tale gal, or a Romance Story gal, or a Disney gal. Vashti is my heroine…she refuses to be paraded around like chattel. Without Vashti=no Esther. Hey, it takes all typesšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•

  20. šŸŒ» Please indulge me for a moment while I tell you my sunflower story…

    I love flowers of all kinds. I have beautiful flower gardens all around my home here in Indiana. šŸŒŗšŸŒøšŸŒ¹šŸŒ»šŸŒæ

    Oneday, while reading my scriptures on my back patio, I saw a tiny chipmunk. šŸæ šŸ˜ (This chipmunk would later become my nemesis! šŸ˜†)

    In the beginning, I loved seeing the chipmunk all around my property.
    Then one morning, I noticed something had pulled up ALL of my spring bulbs & had devoured them!!! šŸ„ŗ
    My tulips were gone along with the daffodils! šŸŒ· šŸ˜­ I was so steaming mad! šŸ˜  Then I saw the culprit! He was munching on the last bulb behind the rose bushes! šŸŒ¹ All of a sudden, that chipmunk wasn't so cute! šŸæ
    He began digging in my pots & storing seeds in them. He pulled out my purple petunias to make room for his seeds!!! šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” That's right folks! His food storage was in my flowers pots! Everytime I saw him I yelled at him!

    šŸ“£ "Get out of here you nasty rodent!!!!"

    Oneday, I saw something growing in one of my pots. I knew I hadn't planted it. I don't know why, but I decided not to pull it. A few weeks later, it grew very tall & I recognized what it was. It was a sunflower. šŸŒ» šŸ˜ šŸ„° It was beautiful!!!! It stood out from all the other flowers on my patio.

    Yes, it has now given up the ghost… it's dead. šŸ¤£ However, I can't pull it just yet. For me, it's a flower of forgiveness.šŸ™šŸ¼

    The chipmunk has since stopped all of his Shenanigans. šŸ˜‰ I suppose he has moved on to bigger & better gardens.

    I saw him yesterday morning while listening to your podcast, "Don't Miss This." I smiled & he ran away.

    Are we planting flowers of forgiveness? Are we accepting flowers of forgiveness?

    The end! šŸæšŸŒ»šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ¤—

    ( To see the picture, go to my YouTube channel & click on the "Community Tab" ) šŸ“ø šŸŒ»


  21. I just noticed that the painter put Esther in your grandmaā€™s wedding dress! How fun is that? I love you guys. You help me start my week off right. My goal is to look for God this week in places I havenā€™t seen Him yet.

  22. I have posted this before, but not sure you will see it from previous lessons, so forgive me. Iā€™m anxious to see all of your journal pages where you have placed stickers and small pictures that go with the lessons. Where can I get the small pictures as well to go with each lesson, I use the stickers but would love to get the pictures as well.

  23. Oh I love the shoes dress and cloak!!! šŸ¤šŸ¤ thanks for sharing some of your families story with us Emily šŸ¤

  24. Hi this is Clara Epperson šŸ˜ pray šŸ™ for me and my Family šŸ’— I want to go to Church Sunday morning šŸŒ„ and I want to call Kathy and ride with her.

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