Controversy mars Staten Island St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Controversy mars Staten Island St. Patrick’s Day Parade

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CBS2’s Christine Sloan spoke with groups who were not allowed to march…(read more at source)

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  1. What does pride and lgbtq+ have to do with an irish guy named st patrick? they really got mad for being included from a parade not even related to pride???

  2. If they want to march so bad blow the bagpipes or beat a drum. Being a queer isn't reason enough to be invited to entertain at a parade. They don't want anything but promotion and attention for their proclivity.

  3. This video is a perfect display of the ills afflicting our society . From the biased title (adherence to Biblical teaching is now deemed controversial) and the obvious slant of reporting the parade as a vestige of bigotry rather than a religious/cultural celebration of tradition. The pathetically weak ‘support’ of a lukewarm Nicole Malliotakis and the outright contempt of mayor Bo Jangles (crackers anyone?) who predictably embraces the competing event (let’s see if he does the same on a Muslim occasion). No one was denied participation as an individual; their request to march under a rainbow banner promoting the alphabet agenda is what was rightfully denied. If who you choose to boink is your most treasured identity (a rather dubious hierarchy of choices) you have an entire month to celebrate your sexual peculiarities in warmer weather. Stop crashing other peoples parties claiming victimhood because they have no interest in dancing to your same old tired tune. It’s boring and rude. Let other groups have their day and celebrate what they treasure. Good on Mr. Cummings and the Irish for standing their ground and reminding these jokers that he who pays the piper calls the tune.

  4. There's going to be a point in time where people are going to really not like gay people. Not because of their sexual preferences. But becsuee of their obnoxiousness. They want to be in every single parade, in every single TV show, in every single movie, everywhere. I applaud the parade organizers for standing their ground. LGBT has a whole damn month and numerous parades of their own. But now they want to march in other parades just to be seen. It's annoying.

  5. It is gross that in this, the 21st century in America, people and groups who hurt no one are still being excluded . Thank goodness I'm Canadian . Get your POOP in a group, America .

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