Conway asked about Trump's beauty pageant comments

Conway asked about Trump's beauty pageant comments

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Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump’s campaign manager, comments on accusations made by a former Miss Arizona that Trump acted improperly backstage at a pageant…(read more at source)

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  1. This interviewer sucks. She lets the conversation get taken away from her and turned into an attack on Clinton. She should have simply told her that I'm currently interview YOU about TRUMP and kept it that way.

  2. If I would have walked in a shower room full of 14 or 15 year old girls intentionally to see them naked I would have been thrown in prison for years and have to register as a sex offendor but the Mein Fuhrer Trump can get away with it. Pedophiliacs who also want to have sex with their own daughters like Trump said he does completly revault me. So do double standards. But oh my god Hillary and her emails lol.

  3. The hypocrisy of this is that feminists fought for the right for FEMALE reporters to do EXACTLY this to MALES! To force themselves into MALE lockerooms while they are naked / changing / showering. What hypocrisy!

  4. I wonder why all "TRUMPETS" pivot to Bill's sexual scandals the moment someone points at Trump's backstage remarks…???
    Whatever Bill has said or done has absolutely NOTHING to do with Hillary and her presidential campaign…

  5. Deadshelia. In what universe would Trumps behavior be considered "the norm". The man is dangerous. If you can't see that then you don't want to see and I have no issue with that. But don't hold it against people who do recognize that he's a demagogue. He's danger to this country and to anyone who disagrees with him. What adult would find it necessary to tweet about anything at 4am in the morning because they feel someone had slighted him. He has the temperament of a 5 year old child and 5 year olds don't usually have any impulse control. That kind of character can be dangerous for someone who wants to be dictator of the free world. Oops…I meant leader of the free world…I really did mean leader.

  6. Your a corrupt news agency, State Runned, Clinton Owned and Stalin Approved. The clusion between the White House and The Clintons is criminal and treason against Americans. You are liars and trials will start against you and your personnel.

  7. Trump and his team continue to lie lie lie lie. The judge said Paula jones claims were false and she was just trying to get money, he also found Bill Clinton innocent. Bill Clinton didn't want to continue with the lies and bullshit. Sometimes it's easier and less expensive to settle, facts.

  8. CNN reporter should be smart enough to know that she wasn't going to get a straight answer to what she wanted the first time she asked Conway. It's obvious CNN was fishing for a sound byte that Conway disapproves of Trump's actions so that CNN could run that story instead of the Wikileaks, which found CNN colluding with Clinton's campaign. Mainstream media is dead…

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